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90. Lisa makes a decision

89. Iridescent Sun: identity clari

88. The morning continues...

87. Iridescent Sun: One mixed up t

86. The next day...

85. Iridescent Sun: After school p

84. The remains of the day...

83. Toby and Terri, later that nig

82. Iridescent Sun: break time

81. More of Zoe's class...

80. Iridescent Sun: Zoe's class

79. A little wine makes the heart

78. Iridescent Sun: Angels fly

77. More school...

76. Iridescent Sun: AI confronted

75. The fairies seek out their tar

74. Iridescent Sun: the day contin

73. More acquaintances...

72. Iridescent Sun: start of the s

71. The next morning...

Iridescent Sun: Lisa's choice

on 2011-04-10 21:06:31

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Jay's cell phone buzzed. "Jay, this is Lisa. I spent the last half hour thinking about killing myself. I can't take this anymore. I need someone here. Can you come over? Before sundown?"

Jay wrapped up what she was doing and hurried over to Lisa's apartment. She saw a frightened, haggard but determined woman.

"I looked around here, and this place is a prison. I can't see the sun, I can't really do my job properly if I'm stuck here all day--I'm sick of being a coward. If you can adjust, so can I, no matter what form I get. Jay" she said, with a look of concentration on her face "Can we go for a walk and feed the ducks?"

"Are you sure about this?" the foxgirl asked.

"No" Lisa answered "How can I be, with so much unknown. But I am sure that I can't live like this anymore."

"OK" Jay answered. She let Lisa go to the door, and open it.

For the first time Lisa saw the light of the iridescent sun. "Oooh" she said. "So pretty."

The changes were beginning. Lisa was growing a coat of light brown fur. For a second she hoped she would be a foxgirl like Jay and they could be sisters, but her hair was shorter and finer than Jay's. And she wasn't shrinking either, but growing. She felt her clothes tear--fortunately she had been wearing old clothes she had been planning to throw out in case something like this happened.

The ground was definitely getting farther away. She felt her legs become leaner and change in shape. An amazing surge of power ran through her, as new muscles sprang to life all over her body. Something was happening to her face--her eyes were moving farther apart as her nose broadened and flattened. She felt her internal organs rearranging themselves. There was a pounding in her skull as two horns grew from her much larger head.

Lisa was a seven-foot tall minotaur. And as she realized the second she looked down, a very unquestionably male minotaur at that.

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