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59. Iridescent Sun: Tests and Ques

58. What happens...

57. Lots of things happen...

56. Iridescent Sun New morning, ne

55. Back at the TV station...

54. Animated...

53. Iridescent Sun: Foxy survival

52. Toby snaps!

51. Iridescent Sun: sensational r

50. Jay has an ace up her sleeve..

49. Iridescent Sun: Tears of Angel

48. The conversation continues...

47. Iridescent Sun: Television and

46. Sarah makes the call...

45. Iridescent Sun: A family unite

44. The return home...

43. Iridescent Sun: Priestly encou

42. The next morning...

41. Iridescent Sun: Sleeping compu

40. That evening...

Iridescent Sun: Tests and Questions

on 2011-03-27 22:00:10

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In hallways, corridors, even the playground, Becca followed the other girl on the urgings of Trident. Somehow she had managed to stay unnoticed, but a few times she wasn't sure. She found people like her and this girl were below the radar of the grownups. They simply were ordinary among a sea of extraordinary changed people.

"Do you think shes a magic girl?" Becca asked Trident sneaking another glance to her. Uh oh- did she notice? Becca quickly looked away pretending she was looking at one of the other strange people. Everyone was looking at each other on the first day back to school. Although Becca was doing it now excessively enough to be noticed. But then all young kids did that... right? "She's got purple hair" She whispered to her mentor. The girl seemed to be very slightly older then her, or at least an early bloomer. Though not by much. She wore red shoes, and a plain dress. It didn't give much on who she was or even, who she used to be.

Trident nodded. Purple hair, and in twin braids... could she be Two? There had to be a way to find out, though Trident had a suspicion that the second magic girl- if one existed, would be very difficult to find. What tactic to employ? Well, the simple one is often the best, she thought. "I think you should go say hello" the small woman told Becca plainly.

"W-what?" Becca looked unsure. This would be the first time she talked to someone 'her age' that she didn't know anything about. "But... she's a girl"

Trident sighed. "And...?"

"And... er..." Becca bit her lip. "I mean it wou'd be Wh-wei-"


"Yeah..." Becca looked annoyed. That was an easy word. Why was she having trouble with speaking sometimes?

"Your a girl now too Becca... just go say hello. Try to find out what you can about her..."

"Huh? But.. er... what do I sa-"

"Why are you talking to your doll?" The purple haired girl asked. She was right in front of her!

Becca almost jumped in fright then looked ashamed to be accused of such a juvenile act. But what excuse could she say? She felt tiny as the girl looked to her waiting for an explaination."A- H-Hi! I'm... I'm... Becca..."

An awkward start and a very awkward silence followed.

Jon Slithered her way to her locker. It had been ages since she had gone to it. It still had all her old things, from before she had made the wish. All untouched. It was really odd to find those simple ordinary possessions. Her books, a few cards, even an old can of cola... She came across her extra set of shoes, and wondered if she might as well throw those away now. If she made her wish, would everything that happened so far be undone? Would it be 'suspicious' that she kept her shoes here? She bit her lip not sure what to do, but decided to leave them there for now. If anyone asked, she could just call it false hope.

She saw that angel-girl again. She sure got around. That had to be the fourth time she saw her today. She still seemed to be fidgeting nervously. By the reactions of her classmates she could tell the girl was considered very attractive. Jon was not blind, she could also see the girl was beautiful. But they were curves... similar to hers. She glanced down at herself... beautiful? her? Would she really be considered beautiful? If you ignored the slug part she had, she guessed she might be. But how do you know? Who would actually confirm it to her? Other Girls? That didn't seem likely. Guys? How would she even feel if that happened? Six months felt a long time to wait this out.

She also wanted to see Karyn. She heard the pool was being converted into a room for aquatic transformees to relax in if they wanted to- or needed. It would be a while before it was ready though.

The teachers had given them a basic re-orientation and a few new rules. Most the students glossed over the rules with a shrug. It was the same old thing, but specifically not to use any abilities you have gained to cheat, or to hurt and harass anyone. Obvious stuff really. There was also a rule to clean all rooms to prepare for the 'night' classes of the normal humans, since school was now effectively open 24 hours in the day. Day students were expected to leave the premise promptly although they could still use the library if they wanted to.

In their first class, a test had to be taken which was decided on by the government. The teachers all stressed it wasn't a big deal, it was just to work out how extensive their changes were for their education. Jon felt her results would show her mental ability had not changed that much- although she was surprised she could answer the more 'creative' questions with ease. Was that because girls were better at it? Or maybe because her mind had been opened to so much weirdness now? She really didn't know.

The hardest question was on her physical needs. She placed that she didn't feel encumbered by her form, although this depended a lot on other factors.

She wondered how the others were doing.

Effie was starting to get bored. She sat on Mickey's shoulder, crawling down to the desk. Being invisible wasn't really as much fun as it should have been though she felt a little guilty at being here. She wasn't supposed to be. She tried to be as unassuming as possible despite the fact she was not perceivable to anyone but Mikey. The changed kids had an interesting teacher though. She appeared to be a a woman with bunny ears on her head. Most of the kids thought she was cute. Effie just shook her head at it all. She noticed that Bryan kept on looking in Mikey's direction, especially when he thought she wasn't looking. The digital fairy felt a strange twinge of happiness that her host was making friends so easily.

Effie started to drift to her own thoughts of friendships... it was obvious even to her, that someone who spent so much time in an online universe as she likely did, probably didn't have any real friends. That was not likely to change in her new existence either. Her existence in the real world was tenacious at best. In fact it was even less likely she would make friends given only one person can see her here, and all the others want to kill her in the digital world.

"Now you are all going to take a test" The bunny eared teacher smiled passing a paper to them.

On the first day? A Test? Strangely Mikey didn't panic about it though. Effie looked curiously at the reactions of everyone else.

"We are aware that some of you might have need of.. a little more help now then before, and others might need to be more challenged... You can not really fail this test. It will help us to work out what sort of level you now work at." She handed the tests to each of the children.

Effie stood on the sheet looking at the paper. Some of the questions seemed... really strange.

Mikey looked at the test paper and started to do the questions in record speed. the five involved basic arithmetic, each answer coming to her in a flash. A deferential equation, simultaneous equations, answers came as soon as she saw them. It was... freaky. But while she could give the answers, she found she could not show her working out.

She was then presented with one really weird question. She had to write a short story about a person who went into space and what they might find.

The question was very open ended, and likely an imagination based question. Mikey really struggled at it though. She then found herself looking at her handwriting. It just seemed a little too... perfect? Her O's were symmetrical, the sizes very consistent... it was almost as if it were typed. Effie noticed her host looking troubled at her own test paper.

"You've got another fifteen minutes. You can do it," She tried to encourage. Effie for some reason felt she couldn't help Mikey directly on this- though she really wanted to.

my handwritings different Mikey texted a little upset by it. Why would she be worried about this? Perhaps because its the first real thing she did very differently then before.

"Its very neat..." Effie replied. "Neater then mine."

Mikey shrugged and continued to write, not really sure if it was something to worry about. At least she wont lose points any more for bad handwriting.

At the police station, the unnamed girl was given a new set of basic clothings. A simple light blue shirt, and pants. They fit her very loosely but it was a lot better then the blanket. her long white hair cascaded to her waist, and she looked just so lost. She was given food as Muriel interviewed her.

"Can you tell us your name?" She asked. Perhaps now she could remember.

The little girl shook her head. "C-Can't remember..." she was still in so much tears.

"What is the last thing you can remember?" The officer pressed. "You told be me before you remember some things..."

The girl closed her eyes. "R-Remember... s-sunlight"

"Yes... so do you think you were recently transformed by the sunlight?"

"S-sunlight... made the world bigger..." She shivered crying again. "And I got.. long.. hair... c-can you cut it?"

The girl was for some reason incredibly uncomfortable. She kept on poking and prodding herself. The police took it as further evidence she had to be a recent transformee... her statement suggested she used to be taller, but that was still speculation and not evidence. it gave nothing on who she used to be. She carried no identification on her, there was nobody reported missing... this was going to be incredibly difficult to work out.

"Its are safe... " Officer Muriel tried to say comfortingly. "We need to take some pictures of you and if you like, we can get you a hair cut later... but we need to take a photo of your current appearance in case someone recognises you. Do you understand?"

The girl looked so meekly as she nodded.

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