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53. Iridescent Sun: Foxy survival

52. Toby snaps!

51. Iridescent Sun: sensational r

50. Jay has an ace up her sleeve..

49. Iridescent Sun: Tears of Angel

48. The conversation continues...

47. Iridescent Sun: Television and

46. Sarah makes the call...

45. Iridescent Sun: A family unite

44. The return home...

43. Iridescent Sun: Priestly encou

42. The next morning...

41. Iridescent Sun: Sleeping compu

40. That evening...

39. Iridescent Sun: Becka's first

38. At dinner...

37. Effie's new world

36. She finds a home...

35. Iridescent sun: The search for

34. Saved!

Iridescent Sun: Foxy survival

on 2011-03-25 17:47:32

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Toby had never felt quite so incredible. He felt like fire, burning with a passion forgotten decades ago. This was it. Everything now depended on what he did next. He managed his news team and damned if he knew he had let them down. What the hell was his responsibilities again? They were! All those people writing, pouring their hearts into work...

He was going to take care of them all. but first he had one phone call to make.

Jay was in the park. She always liked this spot. It was a bench that gave a picturesque view. Though now her feet no longer touched the ground as she sat on it given her new height. The green grass, and old trees... Ducks were quacking. She remembered coming here when she was little- and human. She had to smile at the innocence of those days, and never really forgot. She did wish she could bring Lisa to enjoy this sunny day... the rainbow lights did a wonderful effect on the duck pond. She could stare at that shimmering light all day. Her three tails flicked about as she looked a very content fox.

Her phone rang, it was Toby.

"Warner here" She spoke with a professional tone.

"No need to be so formal" Her ex-boss said a little exasperated. "Its me Toby. Where are you?"

"I don't see how you need to know that any more." He paused letting the conversation fill with the bird songs of the park. "Has my transfer been reconsidered?"

"Jay... Would it get me into more trouble if I said, you were a sly little fox?"

Jay had to resist a little giggle. "Only if we were not friends, I would imagine" The fox was grinning a little though. "What offer are you making?"

"I would like you to return to your previous role, as a full field reporter... with a 7 percent raise to your salary. I can throw in some extra holiday time as well."

"Hm... I don't know... I have already had an offer that gives me a salary increase of 10 percent."

"No problem.. I'll match it and throw in an extra percent." Toby quickly put in.


"Don't worry about Lisa... its been taken care of. You will also get a personal 'written' apology from Anderson... can we put this aside?"

Jay nodded to himself, as he stepped off the bench. "I will see you tomorrow then- before sunrise." The little fox put away her mobile phone and started walking up the path.

Toby put the phone down. He walked out of his office, and all of his staff on their desks stopped working to look at him. He walked slowly, to the center point of the room, where they could all see him. He hadn't prepared for this... his legs were shaking on every breath but he put everything aside.

"Jay is returning to us"

There was a huge cheer in the room, papers thrown into the air. Toby placed his hands downwards to try and get them to quieten down. Then they all started clapping. Toby gave a little smile. It was certainly a good feeling to be able to tell good news for a change.

"Now... to keep him- her, I don't want any more comments about a recent story..."

There was some annoyed glances. Toby only had one shot at this.

"... in return, I want you all to know, things are changing." His voice was measured and even, as he remembered the times he once spoke into cameras... but this was different. he could see the faces... faces that were longing to hear what he had to say. He looked to them each, his eyes still with furious fire as he issued his orders. "Scrap whatever story your doing... and do the one you really want to do."

"Sir?" Trisha, a typist asked. She was quite a beautiful woman, and half Japanese. She was a great spell checker. "What do you mean?"

Toby looked at the woman. "No more fear, is what I mean. We are all... all of us, a team. Human or not... If you can hold a camera you have a job here. If you can't hold a camera I'll find something else for you to do. You can tell that to the street if you want. I 'need' reporters that can work in the sunlight. So put out an ad for them.-" He paused seeing one or two faces that didn't like that. "And if anyone has a problem with that... I'll be showing them the door."

The faces suddenly glanced away.

"Now all of you get to work." Toby walked to the office as another cheer was heard.

Jay had gone to his house, reaching up to turn the door. All in all being a foxgirl wasn't really so bad. she put on the radio as she started to clean the fur she now possessed. It wasn't a difficult job, her instincts guided her and it was actually quite pleasant. Being smaller occasionally became an issue to reach something though.

He heard a knock on the door. She put back on a basic covering for modesty before she answered it. She was surprised to find Lisa.

"you got your job back!" Lisa hugged Jay, having to bend down to do so. She smiled.

"Thanks to you" the little fox girl smiled. "You missed a lovely day in the park you know. The ducks miss you I think."

Lisa sighed. "Yeah well, maybe after sunset tomorrow" She gave a long look to Jay.

"Won't you come in?" She invited her.

Lisa entered the apartment, Having been here a few times she knew where things were. They shared in each others company for a while, talking about old colleagues, as well as general work issues. As the evening progressed Lisa started to get hungry. Jay didn't have a lot in the fridge since she wasn't expecting a guest, but they made a few sandwiches.

"I've been meaning to ask you Jay... though it might seem a rather personal question..."

"Ask away," She smiled.

"Well... how come you... aren't bothered by your change at all?"

Jay looked down at herself as she thought about it. "What's wrong with how I look?"

"Nothing! I think you look great- um.." She had to blush at that. "You know what I mean."

"Ha... I guess it might seen strange. I'll tell you" He sat her down onto a table. "What is being human?"

"Huh?" Lisa looked dumbfounded. "That's a rather big question you know"

"Oh yes I know... that's why I love it" She smiled. "An easier question then. How many interviews, opinions, and writings do you think I have done in my life?"

"Hundreds? thousands?" Lisa guessed

"More then I can count. But those words, are me. I put a piece of myself in everything I write, I don't need to be me, to be 'me'" she smiled again. "Besides... this body is... interesting. Its healthy- actually make that a lot healthier then the one I used to have. I just hope I can keep it that way."

"Your a crazy little fox I think" She giggled.

"Oh? Toby thought I was sly" Jay giggled back.

Lisa glanced at the time. "Well.. I should be heading to work. Damn I need to sleep... night shifts are killing me" She yawned.

"Sure..come by any time"

"You bet" She smiled.

After locking the door after her, Jay crawled into her bed to sleep for the night. There would be so many stories to cover tomorrow. The education system has been overhauled and would be starting tomorrow. Hopefully she could get a few interviews with how people felt about the new system. There was also the new military, as well as updating the laws.

She wanted to squeeze in an interview with one of the angel girls to ensure they were given the counciling promised.

The weird pages asked her to cover the strange pillar of light too.

Its going to be very busy tomorrow.

A dark human figure watched the coming and goings of the news building. The changeover was starting, as the sun was to rise in one hour.. That meant Toby would leaving to reach his house..

Ten thousand just to push someone into the sunlight? Toby must have seriously pissed someone off.

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