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43. Iridescent Sun: Priestly encou

42. The next morning...

41. Iridescent Sun: Sleeping compu

40. That evening...

39. Iridescent Sun: Becka's first

38. At dinner...

37. Effie's new world

36. She finds a home...

35. Iridescent sun: The search for

34. Saved!

33. Fred the Net Fairy

32. Back to Jon & Mikey...

31. Trident explains

30. Mikey meets someone...

29. Becka's new destiny...

28. Mikey explores...

27. The strangest change yet?

26. Sarah checks on her parents...

25. Biff's thoughts (alternate)

24. The next morning...

Iridescent Sun: Priest encounter

on 2011-03-20 13:10:35

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Jon was starting to get used to walking in her new body. The grass tickled her mucus membranes and left a little trail of slime but all in all, the out doors felt quite pleasant. She rested the backpack on the part where her human parts met the slug half, and found she was surprisingly strong like that. She was confident she could probably take on a few extra pounds although it would likely slow her down. She smiled to her sister Zoe, who was adjusting to walking again with the loss of her outer human skin shell.

Zoe was taking it all in stride. Her world had changed but it wasn't just her world, It was everyone's. She knew people would wonder of her decision to 'willingly' step into the sunlight, and allow whatever force was out there to mould her into... well... mould. Had she known what would happen to her she knew she wouldn't have done it. She recalled visions of possibilities that could have lived with, and slime mould was not even on the list... but neither did she regret it.. not once did she allow a thought of regret.

As a colony of cells that were held loosely. She found she could slosh and move her basic form relatively easily. If she really concentrated she could will her hand into basic shapes, although she was still subject to the conservation of mass law.

Michael had departed company now, Jon hoped they would see her again. It was very assuring to have such a strong ally in the out doors with them.

After an hour or so, They passed the various gravestones, that signalled their approach to the church. It wouldn't be long before they reached a main road and back to the town. Most of these stones were unkempt, and had eroded with time. Nameless dead, almost like time keepers... the centuries of humanity. Jon had a poignant pause at the dead, wondering about all of Earth's history. . How many real humans were left? Those that were hidden away from sunlight, and heard the news not to go outside... Those that heard the news on the other side of the world while it was still night, and had the resources to seal themselves off... how many could actually avoid sunlight if told they only had a few hours to do so?

Zoe could tell Jon looked bothered by the gravestones. She never felt creeped out by them, perhaps because of her interest in the Goth lifestyle. She gave a little smile to her elder sister. "They can't hurt you sis..." she said earnestly.

"I... I know." Jon replied as she walked on.

"Greetings, children of the Rainbow sun" a voice spoke.

Jon and Zoe froze. Where did that come from? "W-W-ho.. is there?" Jon asked. In a graveyard there was no telling what creature would spawn from the sunlight.

"I am here, my children..." the voice sounded very neutral. Likely male, yet both old and young at the same time. It was hard to place. After carefully listening the found it was coming from... a tree?

Jon and Zoe relaxed... the tree seemed an ordinary one. But upon its bark gave features indicating a face. Normally one would be scared but given all the shapes they have seen people in by now, this was relatively normal.

"In my life before the light touched me, I was Father Maxwell... the humble pastor of this church." He spoke kindly and gently. "I regret I did not notice your passing through the grove, but I bid you welcome now."

"Your.. a priest?" asked Jon.

"Yes my child. The light made me into one of nature. I believe it fitting, and a certainty that there is a force out there deciding what shapes we are to be under the new light."

It was now Zoe who looked creeped out. She could handle the dead, vampires, devils, demonic imagery... but priests? Well, they always seemed so 'narrow' minded and probably a little crazy.

"May I know your names? These are my gardens after all" The tree continued.

Jon didn't see the harm in obliging... the tree didn't look like it could do any harm.. and they were only passing through. "Well.. I'm Jon.. and this is my sister, Zoe."

"A pleasure to meet such kind and gentle souls as yourself... feel free to return and use my grove as you desire. If you have need of my church however, I regret..." The tree paused its eyes locked onto the building with a wave of some sadness.

"What happened?" Asked Zoe

"It is sheltering many humans who have lost their way..." He said sadly. "Do not enter it my children, and forgive them. They are one of a gang, who have avoided the sunlight and destroyed lives in their fear of the new world. It has become their base, where they now drink stolen goods from the community, and eat until satiated... "

It was then Zoe noticed a strange structure.. a makeshift cage of some kind placed outside the church. "What is that?"

"The stick... to ensure compliance of the group..." Father Maxwell said. "I have yet to see it used. Punishment is to be thrown into that cage upon sunset, and await the dawn... and a new life. The threat itself, is enough to ensure order." The tree sighed. Such people were ruled by fear.

"We can call the police if you want.. get them chased out. How many are there?"

"They are six... but no my child. Their acts are known to the Lord now... and I believe, they will soon see a great light... look... look up there..." His eyes gazed to the roof of the Church. "God makes Himself known in many ways...and in our humble histories we tried to know Him, by tracking the light of the sun... It is on this day, and at this noon, that light will enter into the church, a system of mirrors crafted by antiquated science, to investigate and understand the tracking of a solstice..."

Jon and Zoe looked wide eyed at the implications.

"Light will enter through a very narrow and not well known hole, reflected by mirrors... illuminating the main stain-glass window depicting the Holy Angel... painted in 1532..." The tree watched the church now quite intently. "As the Pastor... I always kept it all neat and tidy..."

Jon wondered if they should warn them but it didn't look like there would be enough time.

"Do not concern yourselves of it my children... I too considered if I should warn them.. but if they saw me, they would burn me into ash, and disbelieve every word I might say... their fates are sealed, there is nothing any of us can do... God be with you..."

Jon and Zoe decided it would be good to go quickly... There's no way to know what would happen in there.

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