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37. Effie's new world

36. She finds a home...

35. Iridescent sun: The search for

34. Saved!

33. Fred the Net Fairy

32. Back to Jon & Mikey...

31. Trident explains

30. Mikey meets someone...

29. Becka's new destiny...

28. Mikey explores...

27. The strangest change yet?

26. Sarah checks on her parents...

25. Biff's thoughts (alternate)

24. The next morning...

23. The next day...

22. Straightening things out...

21. Back with Zoe & Jon...

20. Meanwhile, back at the ranch..

19. Another character arrives on t

18. They find a spot...

Effie's new world

on 2011-03-16 19:44:01

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For some reason that name was her name. A part of her grew concerned that who she was could be so easily accepted. How did her host do this? Still.. it is a nice name. And it was better then being nameless.

Effie looked down on the shoulder she was carried on. Her dainty hands holding onto the cuffs of her blue dress. She didn't expect to be so tiny in the real world, It felt like only about ago he was just messing in his own room. She then looked to Mikey, her host. She studied the robot girl with quite a lot of curiosity. What was she to her? While this situation was quite one sided- given her choices, she was rather glad to have some place she didn't have to worry about the others on the internet. She didn't want to be any trouble to her.

Mikey sensed the spike in the CPU run time she had dedicated to her new friend. She allocated more resources to it. It really wasn't a great deal to her and she wanted Effie to be happy.

"Watcha thinking?" Mikey asked. The digital fairy was looking at everything she could.

Effie looked with a perplexed expression. "This... might be a stupid question. But this is RL- er.. the real world. Right?"

The Robot girl looked confused for a moment then nodded. "Uh huh."

Effie tried to contemplate this. "So.. I'm a digital... er.. fairy-" she still didn't like that word. It was too... girly. "I'm a digital being, and I'm in the real world. How exactly is that possible?"

"Well... your sorta in my head. I don't know how it works. But your here and well.. your in here too." She tapped her head.

Effie didn't really get it. She wasn't seeing through Mikey's eyes, she had her own eyes and was looking at her. She was in two places at once? She was code and yet.. a.. thing? That could mean this was all virtual to her, part of Mikey's mind. An accurate representation of what she was doing at this moment in time... could that be it?

And there was yet another question. Her body felt real... she closed her eyes and swore she could feel a heart beat.. she was.. breathing? She tried to hold her breath but felt the 'need' to breathe again. At least she thought she was breathing if nothing else. She touched her hair, it felt silken to the touch. This wasn't just some 'avatar'... it was really her. That strange light warned her. Code and form were interlinked for a digital fairy... what exactly did that mean for her?

She glanced down to her small breasts cringing at the sight. She remembered she had never been close to a girl, ever. She touched her bosom as it pressed back and felt... kinda nice? She stopped quickly not wanting to even fathom that as a possibility. It also brought into question just how 'detailed' her digital body was. Would she need to eat? Would she need to sleep? Go to the bathroom? Would she... she shuddered at the final thought... go through a monthly woman issue? Given her circumstances it seemed unlikely. She had to remember that she and Mikey just looked female and were not human. Human biology didn't apply... maybe.

Effie turned her attention to her clothes. The dress was a modest one, it didn't really 'show off' but... it didn't really hide that she was a girl. Maybe she could find a change of clothes? It might even answer a few of her questions.

"Um... can you set me down please?" she asked Mikey still unused to even the sound of her own voice.

Mikey glanced around and delicately set the digital fairy on the table. She smiled to her and once again, Effie couldn't help but give a shy smile back despite everything. She noted that the table felt solid.

Effie started pulling at her dress, trying to get it off her.

"Um- what are you doing?" Mikey asked

"Taking this dress off. Maybe I can wear something else later" She said simply. It was about time she felt to take a little charge of her own appearance.

"Er.. I don't know if we got anything your size. Could you even wear something from here?" Mikey was wondering.

Effie didn't hear as she kept tugging until finally the dress came off as she pulled it over her head. She stood there with pink undergarments- pausing and staring at her semi-naked form in shock not actually preparing for this sight.. She had creamy flawless skin, and girlish hips that made her feel awkward standing as she did. She looked like a little doll on Mikeys table. Her breasts suddenly didn't seem that small any more.

Mikey turned around not looking at her probably out of politeness. she started looking for something she could wear. "Well Um... Most of the dolls in the house wear dresses. I don't know maybe we could make something?"

Effie took a few steps to the edge of the table to look... when she felt a little shiver around her. Suddenly the dress was back onto her.

"The hell?!" she screeched. The dress tickled her legs at each step. She once again took it off, and threw it down on the ground. It crumpled into a heap as she discarded it unceremoniously. "stay... stay there..." she commanded as if the dress was some kind of dog.

She backed away from it slowly... Mikey watched out of curiosity. As soon as Effie took a few more steps away from the dress, it just vanished, and re-appeared seamlessly around the digital fairy's body. Effie sank to her knees and sniffled. This was her 'default' appearance. She can't change it... even the sway of her hair could not be changed without code level modification. "I.. can't.. take it off" She whispered with a defeated tone.

"Its a pretty dress though" said Mikey trying to cheer her up.

Effie looked up and blushed at the complement... the kid- her host was very sweet.

"I.. um..." this was so hard for Effie. "Thanks... um- and don't worry. I'll be good..." she said with sincerity. She didn't really know what she could do as a virtual play-mate.. but she owed this girl a lot- suddenly a much larger human walked in making her hide in fright. Would she even be able to see her? She didn't know.

"Mikey who are you talking to?" Her mother had walked in concerned at the voices.

"Er... just someone from the internet.." She said honestly. Mikey never lied to her parents.

"Well be careful honey. You shouldn't talk to strangers, even on the internet. Dinners almost ready.. do you want to join us? Even though she didn't need to eat.. it seemed impolite not to invite her.

"S-sure" she nodded.

As soon as her mother was gone Mikey offered her palm to Effie. Not needing any further prompting she jumped on, her dress catching the wind slightly in the jump.

"Er... I guess I best keep you a secret. At least till my bother gets back."

Effie nodded. She really, really, really didn't want to cause any trouble here.

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