Done giving birth, Cedin approached me when I was alone. He walked around to my hindquarters. "I still cannot believe you were able to give birth to those two children with this pussy." he said as he lifted my tail up. I shrugged at him and looked over my shoulder. "It's just a power I have. You want one?" I joked. He looked at me with a face of amusement and said "If you're offering..." Cedin then leaned in and ate me out. We waited for me to cum before taking off his trousers. He was bigger than Byryn and was more skilled. I decided that one more kid would not hurt. I named him Ulmat. Cedin came up with the name himself. The child would be the same level as Shrub and Fern. That was fine with me. The next day he was born and we had to get back to the main town. Shayne was not going to be too happy about this. Then again, I no longer had a need for him. We were going to break up at some point. Having a male body would probably bring this along eventually as well. Keeping that in mind, I just decided to walk on two legs for the first time in the game. It was an interesting environment.
Eventually, we made it back. Mousse and Margaret stayed behind to make annexing them a bit easier. Once we told the camp what happened, we were able to send the town three clerics, some pilgrims and the Cirrus Militia. It would be well protected. That brought our territory to two towns, and a village. All we would need now would be to take a city and we could establish a new Kingdom. Sir Gifford had already scouted one out. Because I had been late and went against my duty as a scouting force, I was not included. That was a bit disappointing, but overall a fair punishment. The half-Likin centaurs could Bond and be Bonded to. Unlike full Likins, they had to strain a bit and it did not last long before they split apart again. The good thing was that they were resistant to being Bonded against their will. They also got buffs during combat for dominance. Because of their high level, they actually had rosy skin. It was the marvel of the town. Cedin and Byryn were pretty proud of themselves for siring them. It obviously made Shayne furious. I had to endure a lot of his yelling and hate sex. I fucked up.
Fucking him was nothing compared to the Likin that I had Bonded with. I was not the only on who had had children. Several half breeds were born from the village Likins that were sleeping with the militiamen and pilgrims. The half breeds were obviously not as impressive as mine. The only exception was Brett's. His son was called Labal and he was so light skinned as to be vampire pale. He also had wings. Both Tree Fairies and green Likins had the power to grow and manipulate plant life. He was going to be powerful super powerful at level 457. Others had children amongst their own kind. A messenger party came back quicker than the leadership was expecting. With the combined might of Brett, Omnikid, 25 archers and 50 monks; the city did not stand a single chance. It fell almost instantly and they absorbed all of the Igniso forces in the city walls. We now had a city, and it was time to declare ourselves a holy, new kingdom. Father Conrad, Sir Gifford and I went with the other commanders to the city. I saw it was very pretty. The walls were high and made out of large trees. Likin cheered for us.