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24. Chegow Republic

23. Initiation Quest

22. Cultish Assault

21. Romantic Quests

20. Soup Kitchen

19. Father Shalo

18. Ranking Up

17. First Child

16. Devilish Boon

15. A Classmate

14. Bloody Battlefield

13. Win the Fight

12. Convince Him

11. Deliver Message

10. In Orido Village

9. Father Isiah Jones

8. Catechism

7. First Day In

6. Enter the City

5. Pay a Bribe

Freeing Some Slaves

avatar on 2021-06-05 21:24:19

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Leisurely walking down the road, I passed by some forts and villages. At some point, I saw a young man walking ahead of me. He had a large circular shield he also had a large, rusty sword on his back. I called out to him as I approached. He turned and stopped. I saw him sizing me up. "Who are you? There's something strange about you." he said as he crossed his arms. I gave him my name and occupation. He scoffed and said "They let 'taurs be mercenaries in Arkton. Most of them just get sent to do labor in the fields here." I looked at him and asked for his name. "My name is Ossie. Ossie from Blaso Village. I'm off on an adventure. I'll be one of the greatest there ever was! You can bet on that." he said with a proud toothy grin. I smiled and told him about my quest. "You wanna join the Church of the Sky, huh?" he said. He then rubbed his chin as if he was deep in thought. I waited for him. "It can be rough traveling for a woman, even one like you. I could accompany you and protect you if you want." he said. I got the popup asking if I would accept him. "Yeah. Hop on my back." I agreed.

Almost pratfalling, he said "Wait, really? Just like that? I-I mean, yes. I will make sure you get there safely." Nice save. I let him climb up and I said "We should be fine if it is just the two of us." He nodded and we continued down the road. In the distance, we could see some wagons being pulled by centaurs. "Listen up Brianne. Those up ahead are slavers. If they ask anything, let me do the talking." he said. I rolled my eyes and said "I can handle some slavers. Don't worry. We're just going to ignore them." Ossie went real quiet. As we approached them, the wagon stopped. The driver wolf whistled at us. "I've never seen a 'taut with that coloring before. I simply must have her. I suppose you wouldn't mind a trade, would you?" I snorted and said "I am a free centaur. I am traveling him to Klaka. I am not for sale." Ossie groaned at me and said "I thought you were just going to ignore him." The slaver just smiled. "In Chegow, any demihuman is up for sale. I guess I'll have to show you." he said before him and his cronies attacked. I let Ossie take care of them with his sword. It was trash, but he had buffs.

Ripping through them was easy when you had a 11111% buff to damage. He looked stunned at how easily he was doing it. When they were dead, he got off and went to the wagon. "Since we won, we might as well get the all of the spoils we can." he said happily. "You seem pretty eager for owning slaves." I said. He turned to look at me and cleared his throat. "Not at all. Most of these slaves are bound by shackles and spells. If we don't find them and give them new orders they will just stay here and starve." he said. He ransacked the wagon until he found a the keys to the collars and some ink and paper. "This ink and paper is use to transfer ownership of slaves to others. If I just write my name and say I own a slave..." he trailed off as he wrote his name. He then pricked a female rabbitkin's finger. "... I can use their blood to make the magic in the contract activate. Now I own her... for example." he finished. I used the key to unlock all the collars and unyoked the centaurs from the wagon. "All of you are free. Arkton abolished slavery and is that way." I pointed. "We're going to Klaka Kingdom." I said.

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