Jon shook his head and quickly headed to his room. Once inside he closed the door and dialed Yukio's number.
Yukio, he'd noticed, stumbled with her English when she was nervous. While her writing was clear, as she tried to explain what was going on, she would pause as she thought of the right English words for it.
"My parents are very...traditional. My father doesn't like women wearing pants, and always expects my mother and I to act appropriately. He's usually very strict...but today...he's looking to my mother to make most decisions...He'd never even include her in any of them. When he decided to move here, he told us, he didn't ask us how we felt."
"So, people are doing the opposite of what they normally do..." Jon pondered.
"My father has been sitting around most of the night, reading," she said. "Maybe you could come over and see...But...if he starts acting normally again, he wouldn't permit it."