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289. A customer for Cindy

288. A Weird Encounter

287. Miss Fine; Steve gets a pictu

286. Steve's new boss

285. The New Whatever

284. A new employee

283. Zoe Tries to Recruit Heather

282. A walk in the park

281. Miss Fine is a Bit Peckish

280. Jay and Zelda

279. One of the Guys

278. hanging out with the nerds

277. Downward Falling Dog

276. Martin is tense

275. Karyn is at a Crossroads

274. Found

273. Hall Spotting

272. Meanwhile with Athena

271. Miss Fine; Linda feels her ag

270. Linda's age

Miss Fine: A Customer For Cindy

avatar on 2016-12-19 13:25:25

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Back at the salon Cindy pouted when she heard the chime on the door ring. "Oh soot. A customer." She turned to greet the customer.

"I'll be right with you Mrs. Robertson." She said to the boy who had just walked in. The boy nodded as he took off his coat, hung it up and then smoothed his skirt as he sat down.

Turning to the girls Cindy asked them. "Who's free for a couple of hours?"

Tina and Stacy both raised their hands.

"Great!" Cindy said smiling. "Now I want you two to take Stevie shopping. He's, like, so going need a totally new wardrobe." The two girls nodded. Giggling they both took one of Steve's arms and guided him out of the salon.

Cindy approached her customer and flashed him a warm smile. "So Mrs. Robertson. What, like, can we do for you today?" She asked.

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