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286. Steve's new boss

285. The New Whatever

284. A new employee

283. Zoe Tries to Recruit Heather

282. A walk in the park

281. Miss Fine is a Bit Peckish

280. Jay and Zelda

279. One of the Guys

278. hanging out with the nerds

277. Downward Falling Dog

276. Martin is tense

275. Karyn is at a Crossroads

274. Found

273. Hall Spotting

272. Meanwhile with Athena

271. Miss Fine; Linda feels her ag

270. Linda's age

269. Questioning

268. On the way to Miss Fine's offi

267. Linda Has An Outburst, Again (

Miss Fine: Steve's New Boss

avatar on 2016-12-18 21:47:40

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As he entered and asked to speak to Cindy, all the employees gathered around him, squealing excitedly as if he was a Barbie Doll they wanted to play with. They wanted to do his hair, his makeup, his eyebrows, his hands and feet...

Steve blushed. He wasn't used to this many girls gathering around him was he? They were all giggling and complimenting him on his looks which made him feel good about himself.

The girls parted to make way for Cindy. She flashed him a warm smile which Steve did his best to return.

"Like hi! I'm Cindy." She said giggling as she introduced herself a couple of the girls giggled as well. "I'm the manager here." She said bubbly.

"Oh, hi." Steve replied. "I'm Steve. I was told to come here and ask for you." He explained.

Cindy nodded. "Now before I let the girls, like, loose on you." The girls giggled again. "We have to fill out some boring paperwork. Cindy explained.

"Awww!" The girls moaned pouting.

"Don't, like, worry girls. I have this, like, totally under control. It won't take too long." Cindy winked at her colleagues who burst in to a fit of giggles.

She wagged her finger at Steve indicating that he should follow her. Normally Steve would be at bursting point if he was following a girl this hot behind curtains but currently Steve did not find any sort of attraction to this woman.

"So what sort of paperwork are we talking about?" Steve asked as they sat down in the back room.

"Oh don't worry that pretty little head of yours." Cindy said flashing him a smile. "It's nothing complicated. We just, like, need to, like, get your signature and stuff and then we can fill out your ID card." Cindy explained as she dug through a draw in her desk.

"Here we are." She said bubbly as she handed him a form to fill out. "Don't bother reading it and stuff." Cindy said. "It's rather complicated. Just, like, sign here and here." She said pointing on the paper.

Steve signed the form and then handed Cindy the form back.

"Great!" Cindy said as she placed it on her desk. She then stood up and took Steve by the hand.

"Come on!" She said. "We need to make sure that you're, like, looking your best for your photo on the card."

Steve just nodded as he let Cindy drag him back to the store.

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