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238. An encounter with Mrs. Black

237. Where is Sarah?

236. Karyn tries on Sarah's stuff

235. The Room

234. Brain Attic

233. Tiffany discovers Doctor Who

232. At home with coach Williams

231. Sarah's room

230. Wrong house

229. Driving Miss Karyn

228. Leaving with Miss Fine

227. Tell Me Your Plan

226. Miss Fine: what do you want?

225. Persecution

224. Karyn vs Miss Fine

223. Playing It Safe

222. Karyn and Miss Fine

221. Jon Needs Reinforcement

220. Alex and the kids

219. Lovely But Strange

Miss Fine: An Encounter With Mrs. Black

avatar on 2016-12-10 13:06:27

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She just read the book, and imagined staying here forever. Suddenly Sarah heard movement from downstairs and she started to panic. She had been so focused on going to Karyn's bedroom that she hadn't bothered to check if anyone was home.

Of course it was a Thursday evening so there was bound to be someone at home.

"Karyn!?" A voice called up. It sounded like it was Karyn's mom. "Are you home?" She asked. Sarah could hear her starting to climb the stairs.

Sarah panicked she looked around the room for somewhere to hide but the only option was Karyn's wardrobe. Sarah made her way towards it. She was just about to close the door when Karyn's mom entered the room.

"Karyn?" She repeated looking a bit confused. Mrs. Black looked around the room. By chance she spotted the slightly opened door of Karyn's wardrobe. She went over to it and pulled it open where she spotted Sarah.

"Who are you?" Mrs. Black asked rather crossly and confused. "And what are you doing in my daughter's wardrobe?"

Sarah looked at her and gulped.

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