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236. Karyn tries on Sarah's stuff

235. The Room

234. Brain Attic

233. Tiffany discovers Doctor Who

232. At home with coach Williams

231. Sarah's room

230. Wrong house

229. Driving Miss Karyn

228. Leaving with Miss Fine

227. Tell Me Your Plan

226. Miss Fine: what do you want?

225. Persecution

224. Karyn vs Miss Fine

223. Playing It Safe

222. Karyn and Miss Fine

221. Jon Needs Reinforcement

220. Alex and the kids

219. Lovely But Strange

218. Guess who pays a visit?

217. Jon's new outfit

Miss Fine: Karyn Tries On Sarah's Stuff

avatar on 2016-12-09 22:03:20

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"About all the things here...Sarah doesn't want most of them...she won't mind if you try anything. You know that," she said.

"I...stop that..." Karyn said.

"If part of you wants to try on clothes...that isn't me, Karyn."

"I don't know." Karyn replied still uncertain. She looked in the cupboard and looked at the tops.

"Come on Karyn. I'm there's something that you like in here." Miss Fine noticed a top lying on the floor. She picked it up holding it out in front of her.

"How about this?" She asked Karyn. "I think this will look cute on you."

Karyn grimaced. Both at Miss Fine's comment and the fact that the top was a pink sequinned tank top. Although Karyn did have to admit, it did look cute.

She took the top out of Miss Fine's hands and then went into the bathroom and changed into it.

"Oh Karyn! That is perfect!" Miss Fine exclaimed as Karyn stepped out of the bathroom.

"You think so?" Karyn asked unsure. Twisting to get a better look at herself.

Miss Fine nodded. "Yes, it really suits you." She said.

"Well, um. Thank you. I guess, Miss Fine." Karyn said blushing.

"Oh please." Miss Fine replied smiling. "Call me Rebecca. I'd like the two of us to be friends.

"Um, OK. Rebecca." Karyn replied a bit uncomfortable.

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