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235. The Room

234. Brain Attic

233. Tiffany discovers Doctor Who

232. At home with coach Williams

231. Sarah's room

230. Wrong house

229. Driving Miss Karyn

228. Leaving with Miss Fine

227. Tell Me Your Plan

226. Miss Fine: what do you want?

225. Persecution

224. Karyn vs Miss Fine

223. Playing It Safe

222. Karyn and Miss Fine

221. Jon Needs Reinforcement

220. Alex and the kids

219. Lovely But Strange

218. Guess who pays a visit?

217. Jon's new outfit

216. What's the Joke?

Miss Fine: The Room

on 2016-12-09 21:30:14

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Karyn slowly headed up the stairs with Miss Fine following her. She made her way to Sarah's room where they entered and then stood in the middle of the room.

"So tell me Karyn." Miss Fine started. "What do you think?"

She had just been there the night before. But now, it felt...naughty somehow to be here when no one was home.

She looked around. Sarah practically had a suite...her own bathroom, big closet, large room. "About what?"

"About all the things here...Sarah doesn't want most of them...she won't mind if you try anything. You know that," she said.

"I...stop that..." Karyn said.

"If part of you wants to try on clothes...that isn't me, Karyn."

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