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175. Fun with PowerPoint

174. Time to Address the Cheerleade

173. Sarah Feels Better

172. In My Way

171. Sarah Confesses to Miss Fine

170. Around Kyla

169. In Miss Fine's office

168. Kyla Is Scared

167. Jon gets dressed

166. Jon at Home

165. Time for Zelda to get back to

164. Zelda Continues to Be Useful

163. Zelda gets called to Miss Fine

162. Karyn and Athena are on the Wr

161. Karyn runs into Athena

160. Second Period

159. Tiffany goes back to school

158. Tiffany Feels Great

157. Steve investigates

156. Tiffany Agrees

Miss Fine: Fun with PowerPoint

on 2016-12-01 05:27:16

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After lunch, the cheerleaders assembled in a room off the gym to plan out tryouts, which would be held after school. This was in lieu of a normal gym class.

They were surprised to see Miss Fine there. Everyone in school had heard about the new guidance counselor who was very popular with people who saw her...but cheerleaders didn't have any problems they needed help with...or so they thought.

She had prepared a Powerpoint presentation for them. Sometimes things worked better with visual aids. Especially 'special' visual aids.

She showed a picture of Tiffany Sanders as she appeared that day. "You don't even know this girl's name," she told them. "But this is what you usually call a nerd. You may think they are losers...uncoordinated types...but that is no reason to bully them. Just ignore them.

She showed a picture of Sarah in her new attire. "The same goes for less feminine types like this girl. If you don't like them, just ignore them for the most part."

She moved on to a third picture...of Karyn, taken from the school's security cameras from this morning. "This girl dresses like you, and looks like someone you might want to be friends with. Maybe the sort you might want to try to recruit for your cheerleading opening."

She finally moved on to a picture of the improved Zoe. "This is your leader..." she started.

She'd already arranged for Zoe to come to the room a few minutes the time Zoe arrived...she would have everything she said she wanted.

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