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166. Jon at Home

165. Time for Zelda to get back to

164. Zelda Continues to Be Useful

163. Zelda gets called to Miss Fine

162. Karyn and Athena are on the Wr

161. Karyn runs into Athena

160. Second Period

159. Tiffany goes back to school

158. Tiffany Feels Great

157. Steve investigates

156. Tiffany Agrees

155. A spa appointment for Tiffany

154. Tiffany is Hiding

153. Athena goes to class

152. Sarah Gets Angry then Friendly

151. Athena talks with Sarah

150. Later, Athena

149. Zoe arrives at school

148. Karyn goes to school

147. Karyn wakes up

Miss Fine: Jon at Home

on 2016-11-28 12:43:48

1384 hits, 95 views, 0 upvotes.

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It wasn't till the late morning that Jon finished giving Mikey a simple breakfast and keeping him company until he nodded off again.

He took advantage of the opportunity to take a shower and change out of his nightgown into something he could wear around the house.

Then he cleaned the breakfast dishes and sat down on the couch to watch the news for a few minutes before Mikey woke up.

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