And I apologize...
I guess I have a bit of a huge flaw when writing the story: The character, Lucas, is extremely liberating to write. A bit of escapism, I admit. An angel that gets to act like a cross between Jack Sparrow and Doctor Who and to apply power of her own. To see injustice and simply up and correct it. Or punish it.
The downside is I don't always (or often) know when to stop.
I'll add something else to this on Lucas and her reaction later. It's gonna be a bit of a sad chapter, but it'll make the character grow. I hope.
There was also, I admit, an annoyance with the possibility of Jeff coming out scot-free after the stuff he did. >.> But it seems there are decent ways for him not to - better than deus ex machina.
Anyways, yeah, sorry about my, shall we say... more hot-headed impulses.