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135. Zelda Joins the Game

134. Zelda joins in

133. Hot Topic

132. Kyla likes Jay

131. Wood Wood

130. Settlers of Catan

129. Tiffany Wants to Play

128. Tiffany at the bookstore

127. Tiffany

126. Karyn gets changed

125. Another Sarah Trick

124. It's a date

123. Karyn Makes a Deal

122. Sarah switches phones

121. Biff and Karyn need to Talk

120. Karyn and Sarah at the Mall

119. Miss Fine: The Movie

118. The Previous Afternoon

117. A Most Productive Day

116. A Day With Miss Fine

Miss Fine: Zelda Joins the Game

on 2016-11-26 05:53:42

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She noticed Zelda standing in front of her. "Zelda?" Kyla asked confused.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was just curious to see what you were playing," she said. "Can I join you?"

"Sure," Jay Duncan said. He knew Zelda from other circles, but they never hung out. He looked a bit surprised though. Zelda seemed...toned down from normal. He wasn't sure why. It was her tendency to wear outfits that looked like she was constantly cosplaying that made talking to her awkward.

Kyla frowned. There was something weird going on here.

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