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125. Another Sarah Trick

124. It's a date

123. Karyn Makes a Deal

122. Sarah switches phones

121. Biff and Karyn need to Talk

120. Karyn and Sarah at the Mall

119. Miss Fine: The Movie

118. The Previous Afternoon

117. A Most Productive Day

116. A Day With Miss Fine

115. An odd family breakfast

114. The Next Morning

113. Miss Fine and Mikey

112. Rebecca Heads Up to See Mikey

111. Jon is mom

110. Zoe the Eldest

109. back in the kitchen

108. Learn While You Sleep

107. Linda's new toy

106. The Punished Mother

Miss Fine: Another Sarah Trick

on 2016-11-25 17:10:47

1394 hits, 91 views, 0 upvotes.

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"Me?" Sarah asked surprised. "With what?"

"To pick an outfit out for tonight of course." Karyn replied and she returned to searching through the racks of clothes.

Sarah paused. "Are you sure you can afford it?"

Karyn ignored her and picked out the dress that made her look the most stunning...not even paying attention to the label.

"I'll go pay for it...give me your wallet," Sarah said. "You change into it. You don't have much time..."

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