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49. Jon takes charge

48. Linda Gets a Gift

47. Maturity is the Theme

46. A session with the Gibson's

45. Linda Arrives Home

44. Tiffany's house

43. Zoe and Mikey get home

42. Shopping

41. Jon gets home

40. Karyn and Sarah go shopping

39. Changes in Company

38. Karyn and Athena are spotted

37. On the Phone

36. Everything is Fine

35. Karyn Bumps into Athena

34. Sarah Meets Karyn

33. Sarah's Insecurity

32. Abstinence Challenge

31. Tiffany's session

30. Tiffany Gets Nervous

Miss Fine: Jon Takes Charge

avatar on 2016-11-15 15:14:25

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Miss Fine was a rather convincing individual, and pretty soon Linda was looking at the tablet.

Linda followed Miss Fine downstairs not taking her eyes off the tablet. It came with a few pre installed apps and Linda was currently exploring them.

"Right!" Miss Fine said cheerily. "I'm sure that you've all noticed that Jon has been helping around the house?" She asked. Everyone nodded.

"Good." She said. "That's because Jon is trying show a bit more maturity and trying to take charge." Miss Fine explained. "That being said I'd like you all to act as if Jon is in charge. If you need anything doing ask Jon. If you want to buy something ask Jon. Got that?" She asked. Again everyone nodded.

"Well then. Next I would like to see Jon and Mikey for a bit please?"

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