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44. Tiffany's house

43. Zoe and Mikey get home

42. Shopping

41. Jon gets home

40. Karyn and Sarah go shopping

39. Changes in Company

38. Karyn and Athena are spotted

37. On the Phone

36. Everything is Fine

35. Karyn Bumps into Athena

34. Sarah Meets Karyn

33. Sarah's Insecurity

32. Abstinence Challenge

31. Tiffany's session

30. Tiffany Gets Nervous

29. Sarah's True Feelings

28. Sarah and Tiffany get called t

27. Jon meets up with Karyn

26. Zoe returns to class

25. Jon Hard at Work

Miss Fine: Tiffany's House

avatar on 2016-11-14 10:31:10

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Tiffany opened the door and entered her house. Pushing up her glasses she saw her daddy in the living room.

"Hmm, perhaps I should stop calling him daddy" she thought to herself.

"Hi dad." She said greeting him as she entered the room.

"Tiffany?" Her father asked. "What happened? Why are you wearing glasses?"

Tiffany shrugged her shoulders. "Miss Fine said that I looked more mature with glasses instead of contacts." She explained.

"Miss Fine?" Her father repeated.

Tiffany nodded. "She's the new guidance counselor at school." She said. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to my room to do my homework."

Tiffany's dad was stunned. His daughter doing homework? Normally when she got home she would either be chatting with her friends or with a boy which he did not approve of.

"Perhaps this Miss Fine woman is helping her to finally understand that life isn't just about sex" he thought to himself as turned his attention back to the TV.

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