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43. Zoe and Mikey get home

42. Shopping

41. Jon gets home

40. Karyn and Sarah go shopping

39. Changes in Company

38. Karyn and Athena are spotted

37. On the Phone

36. Everything is Fine

35. Karyn Bumps into Athena

34. Sarah Meets Karyn

33. Sarah's Insecurity

32. Abstinence Challenge

31. Tiffany's session

30. Tiffany Gets Nervous

29. Sarah's True Feelings

28. Sarah and Tiffany get called t

27. Jon meets up with Karyn

26. Zoe returns to class

25. Jon Hard at Work

24. Zoe's Past (Alt)

Miss Fine: Zoe And Mikey Get Home

avatar on 2016-11-14 10:22:39

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Jon was busy vacuuming in the living room when he heard the door open. He turned off the vacuum cleaner and then stepped out into the hallway. He smiled when he saw who it was.

"Oh hi Mikey, Zoe"

"Hi Jon" Zoe replied happily. Mikey just muttered a hello as they headed into the kitchen. Mikey had noticed the vacuum cleaner as he went past.

"Why is Jon cleaning?" He asked Zoe. That was normally mommy's job.

Zoe poured herself a drink and then one for Mikey before she answered. "I think he's just trying to help mom out a bit. You knkow how busy she is when she gets home." Mikey nodded.

Jon popped into the kitchen. "Oh by the way Miss Fine is coming over for a chat this evening." He told them before he returned to his cleaning.

"Who's Miss Fine?" Mikey asked.

"Do you remember the conversation we had about last night?" Zoe asked. Mikey nodded. "She's a guidance counselor at school. She's actually a really nice woman." Zoe explained. "I think you'll like her."

Zoe left and headed up to her room. She turned on her radio as she normally did but she frowned at the heavy metal music that came out of it. She switched it to the local pop station.

"That's better" she thought to herself.

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