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42. Shopping

41. Jon gets home

40. Karyn and Sarah go shopping

39. Changes in Company

38. Karyn and Athena are spotted

37. On the Phone

36. Everything is Fine

35. Karyn Bumps into Athena

34. Sarah Meets Karyn

33. Sarah's Insecurity

32. Abstinence Challenge

31. Tiffany's session

30. Tiffany Gets Nervous

29. Sarah's True Feelings

28. Sarah and Tiffany get called t

27. Jon meets up with Karyn

26. Zoe returns to class

25. Jon Hard at Work

24. Zoe's Past (Alt)

23. Zoe Has a Counseling Session

Miss Fine: Shopping

on 2016-11-14 00:26:58

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Karyn had never thought of shopping as much fun, but she'd never gone with someone like Sarah.

Sarah kept encouraging her to try stuff on, from the more feminine to the sort of stuff she usually wore...except not quite as scuffed up as normal.

Karyn had stopped to call her mother and ask for permission to buy some new clothes. She wasn't surprised her mother was thrilled. She was always trying to get Karyn to replace some of the more worn items in her wardrobe.

Karyn's mother, Bethany, had never tried to force her daughter to act any particular way, and had been supportive of her. There had been some occasional comments on how she might want to be more aware of her appearance though.

When they were done, they had two bags of more girly stuff that Sarah bought and the other more Karyn-like stuff that Karyn herself had bought.

They headed toward the arcade to play some games before they both headed home.

Karyn hadn't noticed, however, that Sarah had switched bags with her.

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