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32. Abstinence Challenge

31. Tiffany's session

30. Tiffany Gets Nervous

29. Sarah's True Feelings

28. Sarah and Tiffany get called t

27. Jon meets up with Karyn

26. Zoe returns to class

25. Jon Hard at Work

24. Zoe's Past (Alt)

23. Zoe Has a Counseling Session

22. It's Zoe's turn

21. A Meeting with Miss Fine

20. Jon Resolves to Do Better

19. later that evening

18. Jon's cooking

17. Zoe arrives home

16. Jon the Cook

15. Jon's next task

14. Delegation

13. Jon picks up the laundry

Miss Fine: Abstinence Challenge

on 2016-11-11 23:10:34

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Miss Fine nodded. "Your grades in English are fine." Tiffany breathed a sigh of relief. "It's your other classes that aren't so well. And we need to talk about your behavior during school."

"What about it?"

"From what I understand, you are rather...generous in your affection."

"I...that's none of your business."

"It is when I'm trying to help you. Do you...want to be that way?"

Tiffany thought about that. "It's...what I am. It feels good."

"Could you go without it? I mean, if you wanted to."

"Sure I can," she said.

"So, if I challenged you to spend one week without being that could?"

"Sure," she said.

"Oh, then it is a deal then."

"But, I don't want to..." Tiffany started.

"Tiffany...liking the opposite sex and even the physical is not a bad thing...I'm not some sort of prude. But if you can't control your need...if you spend your whole life a slave to your physical desires...then who are you?" She asked. "I am worried you can't control which case, you could have an addiction. I need you to show me you can. You can come back and talk to me about it any time. I'll even give you my number if you have the urge."

"I'm not addicted to sex," Tiffany insisted.

"So, prove me wrong," she said.

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