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21. A Meeting with Miss Fine

20. Jon Resolves to Do Better

19. later that evening

18. Jon's cooking

17. Zoe arrives home

16. Jon the Cook

15. Jon's next task

14. Delegation

13. Jon picks up the laundry

12. The Professional

11. A session with Jon

10. Jon Isn't Relaxing

9. Linda's children

8. Questioning Linda

7. meeting with Linda

6. Introducing Miss Fine (Alt)

5. On a Gurney

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

Miss Fine: A Meeting with Miss Fine

on 2016-11-09 04:53:12

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Jon hadn't even seen Karyn that morning, oddly enough, before arriving at school. He settled into his first class, but before long, he was given a note to report to the guidance office.

Miss Fine was there, waiting for him. She ushered him into an office and closed the door. "Why don't you sit down," she told him, soothingly.

He slid into a chair.

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