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10. Mikey the mom

9. It's Linda

8. Mikey's room

7. The Entire House

6. Send Jon Home (2)

5. On a Gurney

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

The Workmen: Mikey The Mom

avatar on 2017-06-15 20:12:49

1578 hits, 100 views, 0 upvotes.

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"Oh honey..." Jon blinked as the door to his parent's bedroom opened to reveal his brother Mikey. Only Mikey (like his mom) looked different. He was wearing a pink silk nightie along with a matching robe tailored to fit his body. His normally brown hair had been dyed blonde and some how extended so that it fell down past his shoulders.

"Mikey!?" Jon asked in shock.

"It's mommy, sweetheart." Mikey replied in a soft and gentle tone. "Did you have another nightmare?" He asked concerned.

"There were some workmen in the house and they came in and changed everything. You're different, mom's different..." Jon tried to explain but Mikey interrupted him.

"Shhh.." He said wrapping his arms around Jon and rubbed his back. "It's ok honey. It was just a dream." Mikey reached over and turned the lights on.

"See honey? Everything's just the same. I'm wearing the same clothes that I wore to bed this evening."

"But you're ten years old." Jon said. "And you're a boy..."

"Is my little princess having nightmares again?" A voice said from the bed. Jon groaned as he realised who the voice belonged to...

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