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9. It's Linda

8. Mikey's room

7. The Entire House

6. Send Jon Home (2)

5. On a Gurney

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

The Workmen: It's Linda

avatar on 2017-06-13 15:52:04

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"What?" He heard her mumble. Jon breathed a sigh of relief Zoe was still there although her voice sounded different but fimiliar, almost like...

"Mom!?" Jon asked as his eyes adjusted to the bright light that had just be turned on. Lying in Zoe's bed was his mother Linda only she wasn't wearing what she normally wore to bed. She was topless which left her breasts hanging and she only wore a pair of pyjama bottoms. Jon also noticed that her hair had been cut short.

"Did you just call me mom?" She asked sounding annoyed. Jon nodded. "There were some workmen here in the night and they came in and changed everything!" Jon explained. His mom just looked at him bewildered.

"Look squirt, if this is another one of your nightmares you know that you need to go to Mom about this and not to disturb me."

"But, but...your mom." Jon said confused. Linda chuckled.

"Do I look like a mom to you?" She asked gesturing to herself. Before Jon could reply Linda got out of bed took Jon's hand and then led him out of her room. She then knocked on what should have been her bedroom and called out.

"Mom! Jon had a nightmare again!" She then returned to Zoe's room and shut the door behind her.

"Oh honey..." Jon blinked as the door to his parent's bedroom opened to reveal...

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