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61. Meet Jon

60. Zoe Goes Straight Home

59. Sarah and Karyn

58. After School Activity

57. Zoe Stands Up For Herself

56. Zoe Changes Her Philosophy

55. Nadine Tells Zoe That She Can'

54. Nadine Interrupts

53. An Awkward Meeting

52. Back at the School, Jon Encoun

51. Lorraine Can't Be Budged

50. Lorraine Meadows

49. Jon on the Brain

48. Tina Overhears the Voices Talk

47. The Photo Lab

46. Tina's Memories Are in Flux, A

45. Tina Thinks about Sarah

44. The Original Sarah

43. Tina Wakes Up Early

42. Zoe Meets Sarah

The Workmen: Meet Jon

on 2016-07-09 23:54:30

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The doorbell rang. "That must be him," Zoe said.

Katie went to open it. At the door was a nice, if somewhat nervous looking boy. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt...the t-shirt was that of some sports team. It was fairly average, from what she saw of teenager, if not the ones who went to their church. "Hello," she said.

"I'm Jon Madison..." he said. "I'm here to to Zoe?" Jon wasn't the best liar...and this whole situation made him nervous.

"Come in, Jon..." she said. "Why don't you sit down..I'd like to get to know you for a moment, if that's all right."


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