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48. Tina Overhears the Voices Talk

47. The Photo Lab

46. Tina's Memories Are in Flux, A

45. Tina Thinks about Sarah

44. The Original Sarah

43. Tina Wakes Up Early

42. Zoe Meets Sarah

41. Jon has No Leads

40. Karyn Tells Jon About Zoe Shep

39. Zoe Shepard

38. Sarah Looks Even More Like Fam

37. Morning

36. The Voices

35. What Kind of a Name is Biff?

34. Biff Apparently As Amnesia

33. Biff

32. Biff Gets Grabbed

31. Deja Vu

30. Jon Runs Into the Mist

29. The Van

The Workmen: Tina Encounters the Voices

avatar on 2015-12-22 04:29:18

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"Did you hear something?" a voice suddenly said, somewhere nearby.

Tina looked around and found a place to hide. A moment later, she saw a bright light shine somewhere nearby, but she didn't dare peek around the corner. She had a feeling that it might be a good idea not to get caught by anyone.

"You're hearing things," another voice said. "You're just jumpy because of that Jon kid."

"Maybe. But doesn't he bother you too? That's twice that we had to erase his memories of being here. I'm starting to think that there may be something special about him."

"There's nothing special about him. He's just a teenage boy."

"Yeah, well ..." the first voice started, but the person speaking must have started to walk away, because it was hard to make out what he or the other person were saying.

Tina tried to think of who they were talking about. Did she know someone named Jon? She supposed that they could have been referring to Jon Madison. But she'd have to agree with the voices. There was nothing special about him.

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