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45. Asian?

44. Tina's Skin and Hair are Diffe

43. Tina Wakes Up Early

42. Zoe Meets Sarah

41. Jon has No Leads

40. Karyn Tells Jon About Zoe Shep

39. Zoe Shepard

38. Sarah Looks Even More Like Fam

37. Morning

36. The Voices

35. What Kind of a Name is Biff?

34. Biff Apparently As Amnesia

33. Biff

32. Biff Gets Grabbed

31. Deja Vu

30. Jon Runs Into the Mist

29. The Van

28. This is Tina Shepard's House

27. The Return of Zoe

26. Jon and Biff Run After One of

The Workmen: Asian?

on 2015-12-20 04:27:01

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Her skin tone was no longer the same, and her hair had gone from brown to black.

"This is not happening," she insisted to herself. "Lord, please save me from whatever this is..."

She looked more closely. Her skin seemed almost yellow in tone. She looked almost Asian.

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