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34. The Workmen Make Tina Look Mor

33. Tina

32. Biff Gets Grabbed

31. Deja Vu

30. Jon Runs Into the Mist

29. The Van

28. This is Tina Shepard's House

27. The Return of Zoe

26. Jon and Biff Run After One of

25. Next Step, Nadine

24. Jon Has Some People in Mind

23. Next Stop

22. Teamwork

21. Jon Saves Biff

20. Jon Arrives

19. Lorraine and Gary Meadows

18. Wesley Meadows

17. Biff

16. Jon Chases a Moving Van

15. Fun and Pizza Toppings

The Workmen: Preparing Tina to Replace Karyn

avatar on 2015-12-17 17:17:57

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As Jon watched the workmen working on Tina's hair, he couldn't help but think that he had seen someone with a similar hairstyle before, and then it suddenly clicked. Karyn! It was the same wished-up blond look she had, although more in the style Karyn had it originally, fitting her tomboyish lifestyle. Jon watched as other workmen began to redress Tina in clothing that Karyn might wear. This worried Jon, quite a lot actually. If they were making Tina look similar to Karyn, did that mean that Karyn was going to be replaced too? Well, he already knew the answer to that.

But was Karyn somewhere in this warehouse? Or had she not been taken yet? Maybe if she hadn't been kidnapped by the workmen yet, he could do something stop it from happening. Maybe it was fortunate for him that he found Tina. It gave him a heads up to something that will happen to his best friend. He already lost his sister. He wasn't going to let the same thing happen to Karyn.

So was Karyn still in bed at home, or had she been taken by the workmen already? (Remember that time had already restarted, so if she's at home, then Jon still has almost 24 hours to stop her from getting kidnapped.)

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