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5. Barbara-Karyn swap: Barbara's

4. Karyn as barbara

3. Barbara wishes to be Karyn

2. Mom's Turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Barbara-Karyn swap: Barbara's day

on 2021-05-09 22:47:37

1684 hits, 142 views, 1 upvotes.

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Barbara hung up with Karyn and put her blond hair behind her ear. Taking stock of the situation, she realized that she was already dressed, didn't feel hungry and saw a bag packed on a chair in the room. She looked on the desk,and didn't see anything that looked important. She grabbed the bag and left her room. Going downstairs, she passed Karyn's mom at the table.

"Karyn, good luck on that math test."

"Thanks Sheila," replied Barbara. Karyn's mom looked up from her phone, with one eyebrow up.

"Getting familiar are we?" asked Sheila

"," replied Barbara, "Just a bit nervous....about the test..." as she slowly went to the door. She quickly walked to the street where a bus was coming down the road. She tried felt the pants she was wearing was too tight and the jumper really showed her curves. Why was Karyn showing off her body so much? Barbara had to admit the girl looked good, but modesty should be more in Karyn's mind. Barbara got onto the bus, saw a seat open next her her son and took a seat.

"Hey Karyn," said Jon

"...Right. Hey Jon," replied Barbara after a split second pause.

"So I was thinking about your blond hair. We may be able to use the stone to make it a wig or something, so you can get your red hair back. I'm not sure about the other...situation yet."

Barbara's mind started racing. They had already used the stone? How many wishes had they done? What is this other situation? She had to find out.

"The wig is a good idea, Jon. Could we do something like that with the other thing?" asked Barbara vaguely.

"I guess Karyn. Maybe some kind of removable bit? I can try when I get home. I'll get the stone out of my hiding place. My mom usually leaves my stuff alone, so it should be in the usual place when we get done for the day." Jon's mom winced inside at that. The two started talking about their school days while the bus pulled up to school. The two walked to the lockers, which thankfully were next to eachother. Jon wished Karyn good luck on her test and went off to a class. Karyn, thankfully, had her schedule taped to the inside of her locker. Between that and remembering the place when she went to school there, Barbara got through the first few classes. She was amused that Mr Schwartz was still testing English. Everything else was different though. Computers everywhere, students with phones, Twitter, provocative outfits and worse food to start. The math test was harder than Barbara thought, but after dusting off a few cobwebs, the statistics she learned years ago came back. She was about to leave school when she felt the urge to pee. She had hoped to not see Karyn's privates, but nature did call. She went into the girl's bathroom, and found that the place was dirtier than she remembered. She sat on the toilet and closed her eyes, trying to give Karyn a bit of modesty. She wiped without looking and pulled her her jeans, with difficulty. It was like her little black dress, only Karyn was wearing it on a random Wednesday.

Barbara walked outside and found Jon swinging his legs on the wall.

"Karyn, I was thinking about your suggestion about doing something like a wig for your...augmentation. Maybe we could have them change size based on what you wear? Or maybe you could have some forms you can take off or something? I was googling some stuff today, and apparently there is not filter for this stuff."

Barbara was trying to put two and two together. It was something naughty, probably, since her son was surprised he could look it up. Maybe she would have to have word with her son about something later.

"Earth to Karyn. What's going on?"

"Just thinking. Maybe we should just maybe the change smaller?"

"I don't know about that Karyn, the wishes are irreversible. Maybe there is a loophole?"

Barbara felt like she was punched in her now small gut. Irreversible? How would she get her life back? Would she have to look a Karyn's face the rest of her life? Barbara had always wanted to be a bit younger and thinner, but not at the expense of a girl.

"I know it's tough Karyn, but we will get you back to your normal body somehow," Jon tried to reassure presumed friend. The two walked up to the door. Jon took out the key and let them in.

"Mom! Karyn's come over!"

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