"It is like anything else...You like the way you look, dress...and anyone who doesn't accept that can go fuck themselves. Which at school is most people."
Even Jon was surprised at that answer. He thought all Goths hated everyone else. Apparently, new Jon at least, only hated people who didn't accept him for who he was...
"I accept it...I couldn't dress in a way that would make everyone stare at me," Tiffany said.
"Are you a shepherd or sheep?" Jon asked. "Do your own thing...or not...none of my business..."
The more Jon found himself talking about this philosophy, the more he found himself agreeing with it. He wondered if Zoe felt this way...or if she just was mad at the world.
"You're pretty deep," Tiffany said...apparently still thinking Jon was 'cute'.
Is Tiffany hitting on me? Jon wondered.