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4. Glen goes alone

3. The Chase Family

2. Prosperity & Redevelopment

1. The Drafting Board

P&R: Glen goes alone

on 2021-04-19 20:36:57
Episode last modified by Beta on 2021-04-22 04:58:27

1154 hits, 80 views, 5 upvotes.

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Nikki looked at Glen a little annoyed since they had so much to unpack.

"Will it take long?... I was going to get started on all this unpacking."

Jordyn complained

"I'm hungry." not really wanting to deal with either the unpacking or the stupid ID thing.

Ashley also added in.

"I'm sort of hungry to... can we get a pizza or something?" he asked looking over to his parents.

Glen nodded

"Yeah." taking out his wallet and handing two twenties to Ashley

"You get a pizza for the family and I'll head out to the city building then... I don't think it will take very long." He added looking over to his wife as he moved out of the house.

Just as their dad left Jordyn let out an annoyed whine

"Wow there is literally only one pizza place in this hick town A Pizza Prosperity" making a face at its stupid pun name.

Ashley typed it's name into his own phone with a bit of a frown to.

"Yeah..." he saw it only had 2 reviews as well and both were five stars so he figured it was the owners who reviewed it.

"Well... maybe it wont be so bad..." He called them up walking into the other room, and ordered two large pies. The girl on the phone seemed to paused as Ashley gave her their address.

"O-oh... you're... new to town?" she asked making Ashley raise a brow

"Yeah?... how you know?" after another hesitant response she offered

"Oh.. well uh.. its a small town.. everyone knows everyone. Never seen anyone at this address before, but... I know where it is. I'll have your pizza out there in 20-30 minutes." Ashley nodded to himself and said

"Okay Thank you." before he hung up. He though her pauses seemed a bit odd but didn't really think much of it before heading back to help unpack.


Glen pulled into the lot for the registration building and got out heading inside where the sign's directed new residents for processing to go. When he got inside he saw a small empty waiting room with a receptionist desk in the middle. Sitting at the desk was a thin and pretty woman with pale skin and glasses with her dark brown hair pulled back in a tight bun. As he walked over and greeted her

"Hello I'm here to-" he was cut off as she rudely lifted her finger up

"One moment." she said finishing responding to some email or something before finally looking up at him.

"May I help you?" she asked in a very unenthused voice. Her name plate on her desk reading Elizabeth.

"Yeah... it's about my ID" he started and she cut him off

"No alterations or reveals for anyone's ID further harassments on the subject can lead to-..." she trailed off finding herself unable to keep going before looking him over and then making a surprised face as she was unable to get into detail about processing with him which means he wasn't processed.

"OH! I'm sorry.. you're here to get processed?" she asked and Glen seemed a bit lost as to the rant she had started and ended

"Uh.. yeah i need my new ID for work?" she started typing away and asked for his name.

After some typing she gasped and smile

"Oh! Mr. Chase we've been expecting you! You're one of the town's VIPs" she said smiling up at him.

"I... am?" she nodded

"It just means you're one of the more important city employees... and I see here you work for the new department store chain in this town, but its owned by the city so you technically work for the city." Glen just nodded not sure why this mattered

"Okay so... can I get my ID?"

Elizabeth nodded

"Of course let me just ask you some basic questions." she said starting to type asking him about his age, height, and other basic things you'd find on an ID. Then she adjusted her glasses.

"It says you have a family... are they also here?" he explained how they were home packing and she seemed a little annoyed a this.

"If they come and get registered it opens up free access to a lot of things in town... plus your kids will need it if they want to work or go to school." she explained typing away.

"Mind giving me some info on them to speed the process up when they come in later?" she asked and Glen nodded.

"Right. Their names are Nikki, Ashley, and Jordyn." he went on to talk about family

"My wife is..." he shared his wife's info

"and my son is...." he gave some info on his son

"and my daughter..." finally sharing some info on his daughter. The women nodding and typing really fast as he went on sharing their details, her reaction made it seem like she was half listening.

Elizabeth nodded

"Okay. All done. They just need to come in and get processes." Glen then asked

"Can't I just bring their ID's home to them" Elizabeth shook her head and looked very serious.

"No. They need to come in and get them themselves. It's the law." she said very firmly before Glen nodded.

"Alright-" he was cut off as she pushed a button and he got a gold chill.

"Just step through those doors and you'll find your ID. Thank you come stopping by Mr. Chase." she said with a smile as he looked over to a door that opened and he moved over to it. He followed it into a small hall and into a big empty white room. As he stepped in the door behind him closed and he let out a

"What the fuck?!"

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