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3. The Chase Family

2. Prosperity & Redevelopment

1. The Drafting Board

P&R: The Chase Family

on 2021-04-19 03:24:18
Episode last modified by Beta on 2021-04-22 04:58:03

1367 hits, 92 views, 4 upvotes.

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The Chase Family pulled into their new drive way for the very first time.

The man of the house Glen stepped out stretching after driving for the past 6 hours to their new house. He was a bit out of shape but not fat having a bit of a dad bod standing at a decent 5'8". His face was decent looking with a pair of glasses and starting to show some age as he was 42. His hairline in the past 5 years had thinned out a good bit until basically being bald. He'd look way better if he just shaved his head but he looked like one of those men who couldn't accept being bald yet right now.

At the start of this year he had been laid off and it was starting to get pretty rough. He used to work as a regional manager for a department store chain, and getting a new job like that isn't very easy. Most similar companies wanted to hire him in a lower position with half the pay setting him back years. It seemed like a godsend when he got an email that there was a new local chain "Prosperity Stop" being launched in a small town that was looking for his exact job. The pay was even more then his old job and they even helped cover most of the moving costs, and offered a big discount on one of the newly built homes in the city made and sold by the new chains parent company P&R.

Seconds later, out stepped his wife Nikki. She has a pretty face but was overall very average look wise with some clear signs of age starting to show as she was 39. Her hair was short and curly red with pale skin and freckles. Body wise she looked like she was starting to slip and let herself go with a soft chubby pear shaped body standing at an 5'2". Even though she was a bit heavy her bust was pretty modest with most of her chub building up in her butt, legs, and lower tummy. She used to work a sales job when she met her husband, but hasn't worked since she had her kids.

Next came out a their daughter Jordyn who was a really small girl standing only 4'11". From a distance you might even mistake her for a little kid, but she was a high schooler. Her hair was brown and came down a little past her shoulders. She had freckles like her mother but her skin was much paler. Build wise she was really petite with not much of anything in ways of curves. Her face was decently cute but it was kind of ruined by a pair of thick lenses glasses making her eyes seem big.

Finally out of the back of the car came Ashley. Their oldest son came out and looked up at their new house.

"Wow... this place is pretty big." he commented eyeing it over. He was wearing some skinny jeans and a fitted t-shirt. His hair was short and light brow and a slightly messy. His build was really lean and he was pretty tall standing at 6'2". His face was decent as well being pretty average on looks but still looking handsome enough. He was 20 and had just finished school and was going to be heading off to college pretty soon having taken some time off to figure out what to major in. He moved and started to unpack some stuff from the trunk of the car.

Glen smiled over at his son unloading the car coming over to help

"Yep, with this new job we're gonna be big deals. Besides the owners of the company itself I'm finally the top guy at work. From here on its gonna be big living for us!" he declared a bit over excited and coming off a bit like a doofus. Ashley just smiled and nodded as he usually did to handle his dad. Jordyn rolled her eyes and commented

"Yeah a big house in some middle of no where town hours away from all my friends.... oh amazing..." in a sarcastic tone not being happy about this move. Nikki sighed and unlocked the door looking around seeing that the movers had already dropped off their things in lots of boxes.

Glen sat down the last of the things from the car and then said

"Okay. I need to heavy over to city hall and get my new ID. They said I would need it for when I come in for the first time tomorrow.... anyone else want to come? They recommended we all get them."

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