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148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

139. After school

138. How are some of the others doi

137. It worked

136. Jon focuses on his plan

135. How Karyn's spending her day

134. Third hour epiphany

133. On with the day

132. Knockout

131. Getting to class

130. The next morning

129. Meeting the new Sofia

Chick for a Dick: Slut for a Butt

on 2021-04-15 09:34:38

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Jon braced himself as he stood at the threshold to the classroom before him, bracing himself for the rush of knowledge that was about to hit him. He firmly turned the doorknob and stepped inside. But unlike previous times he had stepped into random classrooms, he did not feel a sudden rush of knowledge get dumped into his brain. Instead, there was a sudden clarity to information he already possessed. This was the first time he had joined a class which he already taken: Ms. Lee’s civics class. He had taken it the previous year, and now it was Zoe’s first class of the day.


Practically half the girls in the classroom spoke at the same time, sharing their announcement in unison. Jon rolled his eyes. Of course Zoe’s classes would be packed with more girls who have been altered. Since she was more likely to mess around with girls she had constant interaction with, it would have in turn made them open to Jon’s party wish from last weekend. A quick glance told him there was no way he’d be able to hear about all these girls’ changes before class wrapped up, and he had a more pressing issue to attend to at the moment. No, he was going to need a better way of checking out all of Zoe’s transformed lovers.

But that was a problem for later.

Right now, Jon had a different conundrum on his mind. He wondered if he had made a mistake by not making himself super attractive to the female population. He had gotten quite used to walking into a random classroom and having each coed, as well as the female teachers, drawn to him and soaking in his presence with lust clear in their eyes. Instead, he got a quick glance from the students before they went back to taking notes (or at least pretending to), and an acknowledging nod from Ms. Lee who had not stopped presenting her lesson at all during his arrival.

The only person in class who seemed to react to his unexpected attendance was Zoe. Her face dropped as she realized her brother had decided to join her class, and she sunk slightly into her chair as if trying to hide from notice.

Jon smiled and strode into the room and down the aisle towards his sister. He had already wished in the hall for there to be a vacant desk available next to his sister, but the fact that she was seated in the far back of the room was an added bonus. It meant that not only could he speak with Zoe without Ms. Lee’s voice speaking over their conversation, but he could also mess with his sister without the teacher taking notice. He nonchalantly moved to the empty desk next to her.

By the time Jon slipped into the available seat, Zoe had started acting as if she was singularly focused on the teacher’s lecture, furiously scribbling notes without looking up.

“So... civics,” Jon half whispered. Zoe glanced at him out of the corner of her eye before looking back to her notebook as she intensified her writing. “Government... law... the perfect place to discuss auto theft.”

Zoe grimaced and put down the pencil before turning to look at him. “I’m sorry, ok?!” she hissed under her breath. “I didn’t think you would notice. Or care! You have, what, a hundred cars at the house? And it’s not like you couldn’t afford more. And you let me take one on Wednesday, so I figured it was fine.”

“You asked on Wednesday. And as I recall I didn’t get my car back until it was practically Thursday, given the time you got home.”

Jon watched her closely and could notice Zoe blush at the memory of why she had gotten home so late on Wednesday night. But Jon new his sister wasn’t the kind of girl to fold under pressure, so he wasn’t at all surprised when her blushing face into a scowl. “Look, I’m so sorry that I took one of the many cars in your endless collection,” she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “But can we not do this right now? I’m already having a bad enough day as it is, so I could really take a break from getting grilled on something that doesn’t really matter to you in the long run.”

“What? What are you talking about? What happened? Did you and Athena have a fight?”

Zoe’s eyes went wide and darted around the room before locking their gaze on him. “Can you please keep your voice down!” she hissed.

“Zoe, honestly, what happened that has you so upset?”

Her demeanor instantly change as her posture became relaxed and her scowl melted away in an expression of sadness and frustration. “I had this thrown at me before class started.” She reached into her bag and handed over a piece of paper that had been crumpled into a ball. Jon took it from her and spread it open. In the center of the page was a single, homophobic slur written in pink glitter ink.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Who did this?” Jon demanded. The bewitched Zoe casualty point further towards the front of the class at Kim. Jon’s blood boiled as he recalled his interaction earlier in the week when the bitch had mocked him in the locker room for popping a boner. It wasn’t his fault he was surrounded by hot, naked girls and his dick has a mind of its own. Jon was beginning to ponder possible punishments to inflict upon the homophobic bigot when Zoe spoke up.

“I’m not kidding you. Kim has been harassing me all morning. She happened to see me kiss Athena in the parking lot this morning and she’s been calling us slurs and mocking me ever since. No doubt I’m going to be getting shit for the rest off the day from her insufferable clique. I wish I could put that fucking asshole in her place.”


Instantly, Kim was gone. Her seat was now sitting empty. Fucking hypocrite, Jon thought. Kim had been effected by his lingering party wish from the previous weekend, meaning that after all of Kim’s torment towards Zoe for having a lesbian relationship, the two of them must have gotten it on in a previous reality. But that did leave a question. Jon looked over as his sister. “So, what happened to her?”

Zoe left out an annoyed sigh. “I put the asshole in her place,” she said with a grimace. Jon continued to stare at his sister, trying to figure out what she meant. It was then he noticed he was looking a few inches higher to meet her gaze. It was almost as if she was taller... or sitting on something...

Realization dawned on him and he pointed at her ass pressed against the desk seat. “Are you serious?! She’s your...?!”

Zoe rolled her eyes. “Yes, Jon, she’s my ass now, ok?!”

Jon lost it and began to laugh hysterically. Luckily, his outburst went unnoticed by the class as he still had Zoe locked in a trance. It was several minutes before he was able to regain his composure and explore the situation more.

“Zoe, could you please stand up and turn around?” he asked, still wiping tears from his eyes.

His sister obediently slipped out of her seat and turned to present her back to him. The first thing Jon noticed was how much Zoe’s ass had grown. Her original body had not been particularly curvy or voluptuous. She’d had noticeable hips, but her boobs and butt had been modest at best. But it appeared that much like how absorbing Tiffany and Amber into her tits had caused them to erupt into massive F-cups, which looked particularly enormous on her lithe frame, Kim’s alteration had transformed Zoe’s ass into a sensational bubblebutt.

Jon blinked twice and, with the exception of a few pieces of jewelry and her black goth boots, Zoe was standing bare naked in the middle of the classroom. Jon immediately focused on his sister’s ass and found himself needing to admit it was actually quite spectacular. It was round, perky, and flawless. The only thing that seemed out of place was the set of honey-brown eyes, complete with the perfectly plucked eyebrows and primed lashes that had once been on Kim’s face. The rest of her, or what was left of her, appeared to be hidden within Zoe’s ample ass crack.

“Zoe, could you bend over and spread your ass?”

Zoe again followed his request, bending over at the waist before reaching behind herself, placing her hands on her plush ass cheeks, and spreading them apart. This revealed the rest of what was left of Kim. Her nose was still there, now placed so the bridge of her nose was exactly where the top of Zoe’s ass crack ended. When her ass cheeks were naturally pressed together, Kim’s nose was completely engulfed within them. As Jon expected, Kim’s mouth had completely replaced Zoe’s asshole. With Zoe bent over as she was, he could see Sarah’s face poking out from between her Zoe’s at her crotch. Jon was actually surprised to note how close Sarah and Kim’s faces were. If their normal heads had been pressed together as they were now, they would have been sharing a chin.

What surprised Jon even more, though, was the chrome buttplug that Kim was aggressively sucking on.

“Um, Zoe, why’s she got a buttplug in her, uh, ‘mouth?’”

“Because of my big mouth, that’s why. My wish made her into not just an asshole, but a fucking asshole. She’s an asshole that’s meant for fucking. Dammit, I’m so horny right now. I can’t wait for the end of the day so Athena can give my new asshole a hard facefucking.”

Jon snickered at her predicament. Well, I suppose this is a good start for stealing my car, he thought with amusement. Out of curiosity, he reach forward and tugged on the end of the plug in Kim’s mouth. The metal sex toy initially did not want to budge, with the butt-girl’s aggressive sucking offering significant resistance. Jon pulled with a bit firmer and the metal toy slid out from Kim’s mouth with a wet pop. This drew various moans and whimpers from Zoe and her various parts. Kim immediately extended her tongue out and reached towards Sarah, who responded in kind until the two of them were trying to offer each other some form of stimulation. It must have been working because Sarah was clearly drooling with Zoe’s arousal, a thick glistening sheen began to cover Zoe’s nethers and drip onto the floor.

Jon looked on as the two frenemies-turned-body-parts continued to do their best to make out. When their probing tongues would pass across each other’s it would cause Zoe to grunt and quiver.

“So, how does it feel to have the school’s biggest cunt and asshole as, well, your cunt and asshole?” Jon asked mockingly. Zoe continued to gasp and moan as her privates tried to get themselves off, but answered despite the distraction. “It’s- Ah!- fuck me, it feels sooo good, but I can barely function because I’m always so horny. And I - Ah! Ah! Ah! Uhhhhhhng- I have to keep that buttplug in not only so I can get some- uhg, yeah, get some you ass-slut- get some mild relief from Kim always being super horny, but I really need her to stop making out with Sarah before I get another urinary tract infection.”

As much as Jon was enjoying messing with his sister and relishing Kim’s fate, he didn’t want Zoe to deal with any actual health issues from their transformations. “Would you like me to do something to help with that?”

“YOU NEED TO FUCKING ASK?! What the fuck, Jon?!” Zoe screeched in response, all the while still presenting her spread ass to him.

Jon felt his benevolence slip away. He had offered to help and instead Zoe had snapped at him. So be it, he’d help, but not in a way she’d like. Jon moved the buttplug back towards Zoe’s ass. Once it was within reach, Kim greedily wrapped her tongue around in and pulled it back into her mouth, where she returned to sucking on it obscenely. “Zoe, would you sit in your desk, please?”

Zoe let go of her ass and the two jiggling globes of flesh immediately swallowed up Kim’s face, leaving only her eyes exposed. Zoe then sat down, moaning as Sarah’s moist lips were pressed against the cold plastic desk seat. She then proceeded to look straight ahead to the front of the room. Now that she was not looking away from him, Jon could see that Tiffany and Amber’s nipple-noses were hard and sticking out prominently in the middle of their faces on Zoe’s chest. Clearly all of Zoe’s parts were being effected by the addition of their host’s “fucking asshole.” Jon watched as they tried their best to stretch their tongues to lick their own nipples. Jon smiled wickedly, deciding that the show was so amusing that he’d just leave Zoe as a nudist for at least the rest of the day. Besides, he wanted a clear view if what he was about to do next.

“I wish Zoe no long crapped out poop, but instead would randomly shit out various objects and stuff which would change with each bowel movement, starting with... hmmm... how about... a bowling ball.”


Jon watched as Zoe’s eyes bulged wide as her stomach was instantly expanded to the point that she looked like she was at the midpoint of a pregnancy. Her body clenched as the massive object worked its was towards the end if her digestive track, a.k.a. Kim’s face. Zoe’s hand shot up and she immediately blurted out “MsLeeIreallyneedtousethebathroomrightNOW!”

She didn’t even wait for a response as she precariously rose from her seat and power waddled towards the door. Jon laughed, as did a few other students, and he wondered if anyone else noticed the chrome buttplug that was beginning to be pushed out from between Zoe’s ass cheeks.

I’d say that was sufficient payback for stealing the car, Jon thought with amusement. However, as fun as that had been, it was still not as personally rewarding as he would have liked. As Jon looked around the room, he had a couple more ideas on how to make the day more interesting...

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