You head back to the first door, the one with the wardrobe, deciding the best course of action would be to check the rooms in order. Plus, maybe you can find something to wear if it is actually a wardrobe.
Once more the door whooshes open at the press of the panel. And once more it slams shut as soon as you step through. That’ll get old fast, you decide. Exasperated you sigh to see once more this side lacks a way to open it again.
Nothing for it, you’ll just have to continue. Or you could if there was a way to do so. You’re in a small round room, more comfortable and homey than the stark white tiled lab you awoke in that the corridor of doors. But it’s no wardrobe. Opposite the door is an arch, but it’s flat against the wall with no way to pass through. The only thing to note is the pedestal in the middle of the room.
Nothing else to do, you step up to the pedestal to examine it. It’s about chest high with a large hemisphere of orange-red glass in the centre of the upper surface and a metal ring around the dome. Idly you swipe the ring and to your surprise it moves, slowly turning around the dome.
As the ring clicks into place, a loud crackle makes you jump. A ghostly image fizzles into being under the arch, the image of a walk in wardrobe! Curious, you turn the ring again, clicking it to the next position and changing the image. Another click, another image. Each click reveals a different image, each a wardrobe. One has costumes, another bridal gowns, another high school outfits, another... fetish gear? You watch as others appear with each click. But each is a ghostly image, not an actual doorway.
On a whim you twist the ring to a random position and press the hemisphere. The arch crackles once more and the image solidifies. Like a moth to a flame you find yourself irresistibly drawn to it and step forwards and cross through the arch to the...