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18. Overnight Backpacking

17. The Next Day

16. That Night

15. Back to Camp

14. Cleaning Up

13. Sorting it out

12. Tim chooses

11. Next up... Sarah and Maddie

10. David's First

9. May is pissed


7. A trap door

6. Later

5. Getting Settled

4. Team Meeting

3. Wilderness Camp

2. Camp Yuthokeca

1. The Drafting Board

Overnight Backpacking

on 2021-04-01 00:01:08

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"Overnight Backpacking." May replied. "Gonna be out in the hills on a 2 night loop. Today we camp on top an overlook of the whole valley, and tomorrow we head toward a hidden waterfall caused by a natural spring. Then its back here the day after."

"That sounds awesome!!" Sarah said as her eyes went wide.

"Yea it sounds cool but if we leave then what about Jenny?" Maddie asked. "We can't leave her like this for 3 days."

"I know that's why I swung this as our first activity. Its a great way to learn the surrounding area, and the morning is setup before we leave after lunch through a trailhead over by the cabin. That way we can get her fixed up and maybe make some more changes if you guys are down for it." May informed.

"Of Course!" Sarah exclaimed drawing the attention of surrounding tables. She apologetically looked around then lowered her voice again to the group. "I mean yea sure as long as the rest of you are down.... though if its ok with you Maddie I'm ok with our change lasting a bit longer than a night."

"I was about to say the same thing. I'd love to not have to worry about having to apply sun screen every couple hours." Maddie accepted.

"Well that works for you guys, but I'm ready to get back to my normal height." David said staring at May.

"Ohhh booooo!!" May complained. "Come on I'll even carry the supplies you're assigned. I'm sure you'll enjoy it." May said winking at David causing him to choke on his food.

"Yea bro its gonna be fine. After the trip you go back to being the tall one in the family for the rest of our lives." Sarah piled on. David looked worried as he knew getting out of this would be difficult.

"I feel bad about what I did to Jenny so she can choose anything she wants to swap with me." Tim said nodding to her. "What do you wanna trade Jenny?"

"I uhhhh.... I mean how about..... noooo...." Jenny said as her mind spiraled into all the choices.

"Uh ohhh." Maddie worried observing her sister. "Its ok Jenny you don't need to do it now just wait till we get to the cabin."

The group quickly finished their food and followed May to the supply shed to gather the equipment they would need. After a quick demonstration on how to properly pack by May they began to divide out the gear amongst themselves with some complaints from the boys as they handed the heavy pieces of cooking equipment. Though David was able to pass off a good amount to May he still felt as if it was just as, if not heavier, then it would have been with at full load at his previous height.

"No way this is bullshit! I want my height back if I have to carry this for 2 days." David complained as they headed toward the condemned cabin.

"Oh quit whining bro! You have our drinking water so its only getting lighter as we go. Besides, it's a small price to pay for getting to go to the bathroom wherever and whenever you want out there." Sarah admonished. "That's the one thing I'm not looking forward to."

"Well that and having to constantly put on this stuff." Maddie said as she handed Sarah a bottle of SPF 50 sunscreen. "Trust me you don't wanna caught in the sun without it with that skin."

"Right, right." Sarah said as they entered the cabin. Leaving their backpacks upstairs so they would alter with any changes that transpired one by one they went down the ladder and entered the Lab.

"Man I still can't believe that this thing is just.... here." Tim said walking over to the computer. "Alright Jenny we should be good to reverse our change get in the machine." He instructed as he stepped into one pod. Maddie nodded and guided her sister in as May started up the machine. Again they both felt tension in their temple as this time Tim felt as if he was drained while Jenny felt her own head fill. A few minutes later they both emerged coughing on some smoke and holding their heads feeling dizzy.

"Well!?" Maddie asked her sister. "How do you feel?"

"A little dizzy but better." Jenny answered. "I FEEL BETTER!! OH MY GOD MADDIE THAT WAS TERRIBLE!" Jenny said hugging her sister in a mix of fear and excitement.

"It's fine... it's ok...." Maddie consoled her. "You don't have to change anymore."

"Oh I've got a change in mind, and Tim's already volunteered to switch anything with me." She said looking at him as her excitement took over. "Hop back in that pod, and May show me how to work this thing." Jenny said as she sat in front of the computer.

"I don't like where this is going...." Tim mumbled to himself as he watched Jenny excitedly type at the keyboard as May's expression changed from that of instruction and curiosity, to one of excitement. Almost sinister excitement, "I really don't like that look" he thought.

"Uh oh man...." David said standing next to him. "Last time May looked like that I lost over a foot of height."

"I'm really starting to regret this decision." Tim whined.

"All done Timmy!!" Jenny said practically skipping toward the other booth.

"Plz don't call me that..." Tim groaned.

"Whatever... HIT IT MAY!" Jenny shouted as May obliged and the doors slammed shut.

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