"Stephanie," a boy's voice called out. The Goth girl turned and looked down the hall. A pale-skinned boy with black spiky hair approached them. He was wearing a fishnet shirt, black leather pants, black leather boots, several piercings, dark eye make-up, and a spiked collar. Jennifer had seen this boy before also, but she had no idea what his name was. Frankly, she didn't really pay much attention to the Goth crowd. "So you finally found her, huh?" he asked the Goth girl, then he turned and asked "Fuck, Jennifer, where the hell did you go?"
"I went home...to change," she said, honestly.
"Well, you could probably use something fresh, but that looks like the same stuff you were wearing when we left you," he said.
"Who are you?" She asked, in wonderment.
Both Goths stared at her.