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8. Who is in Sarah's Bed?

7. Sarah is in Trouble Too

6. Low to the Ground

5. Laundry Room

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Who is in Sarah's Bed?

on 2010-01-20 14:58:15

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She tried to get up again, and discovered the problem. Her hands had been replaced by...paws? She'd been turned into a 'freak'!

She tried to get out of the room, but the door was impossible to open for a tiny human, especially one who had no hands. She screamed in frustration.

She was surprised when the screaming caused something to stir in her bed. The figure in the bed sat up, swung its legs into the floor, and sat up, allowing Sarah to get a good look at her.

It was...Hilary, her cat. Except she was...Sarah wrapped her mind around it. She had become cat sized, and her cat was person-sized. Hilary reached down, and although Sarah tried to get away, lifted the human into her lap.

It was terrifying for Sarah, but it allowed her to get a good luck at the cat. She had two five fingered hands, like a person, and was wearing Sarah's nightgown, which was filled out by a good amount of cleavage. Her hand stroked Sarah's back.

"Help," Sarah screamed.

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