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26. Someone Arrives

25. Jane Decides to Walk ... Home

24. Back to Jane and Her Friends

23. In the Valley of the Bimbos, t

22. Back at Melissa's House ...

21. There Goes the Neighborhood

20. Jon's Not in High School Anymo

19. Jon Decides to Tell the Truth

18. Jane's a Hooker and So Are Her

17. Darcy Had Sex With Them Too

16. Darcy is Already There

15. Jane's Boss Gary Fiennes

14. A Hotel Room

13. Mikey Wakes Up to a Deserted H

12. Zoe Wakes Up in a Slumber Part

11. A Three-Way With the Fergusons

10. Karyn and the Woman Are Lovers

9. A Photo of Karyn and A Woman

8. A Master Bedroom

7. Sarah Bails Jon Out and Karyn

Someone Arrives

on 2013-10-18 04:52:06

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Speaking of Jane's former home, Mikey was still there all by himself. He checked all the rooms, but he still couldn't find anyone. Where was everyone? And where were all the family portraits and photos? They all seemed to be missing. Did someone steal them during the night? Why would anyone do that?

He went to the kitchen to find something to drink when the front door opened, and someone he'd never seen before came in, a bag slung over their shoulder. The stranger seemed legitimately surprised to see him. "Mikey?"

Mikey, unlike someone older, didn't mince words. "Who are you?" He asked, backing up. "How do you know my name?"

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