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22. Back at Melissa's House ...

21. There Goes the Neighborhood

20. Jon's Not in High School Anymo

19. Jon Decides to Tell the Truth

18. Jane's a Hooker and So Are Her

17. Darcy Had Sex With Them Too

16. Darcy is Already There

15. Jane's Boss Gary Fiennes

14. A Hotel Room

13. Mikey Wakes Up to a Deserted H

12. Zoe Wakes Up in a Slumber Part

11. A Three-Way With the Fergusons

10. Karyn and the Woman Are Lovers

9. A Photo of Karyn and A Woman

8. A Master Bedroom

7. Sarah Bails Jon Out and Karyn

6. Released on Bail

5. Jail Cell

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

Athena and Zelda Are Bimbos Too

avatar on 2013-10-17 14:38:33

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Back at Melissa's house ...

Zoe stared at Sabrina, then she just lost it. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Sabrina?!"

"Whoa, language, Zoe," Sabrina said, holding her hands up defensively. "Like, what's wrong with you? You're always, like, so bubbly and stuff."

"Bubbly? What the fuck are you talking about?"

Melissa, Amber, and Sabrina all cringed at Zoe's continued use of profanity. To them, Zoe was always as happy and ditzy as them, so this was very strange behavior indeed.

"Hey, we're back!" came a shout from downstairs.

Suddenly, the look of worry on the three girls' faces disappeared and was replaced by anticipation. "Athena and Zelda are back," Amber said. "Let's go see what they got."

The three girls moved towards the door, but Zoe grabbed Amber's arm, holding her back for a moment. "Did you say Athena and Zelda? What are they doing here?" A grim look filled her face, because a grim thought just occurred to her. If Sabrina was now a bimbo girl, did that mean that ... Athena and Zelda (her two closest friends) were too?

Not waiting for an answer, Zoe rushed out of the room, nearly bowling over Melissa and Sabrina, then hurried down the stairs. The moment she hit the first floor, she felt like getting sick. It was like a nightmare come true. Athena, her witch-like Goth friend, and Zelda, her cybergoth friend, were now girly preppy bimbos.

"Zoe! Like, what's wrong?" Athena asked, in her new airheaded voice.

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