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21. There Goes the Neighborhood

20. Jon's Not in High School Anymo

19. Jon Decides to Tell the Truth

18. Jane's a Hooker and So Are Her

17. Darcy Had Sex With Them Too

16. Darcy is Already There

15. Jane's Boss Gary Fiennes

14. A Hotel Room

13. Mikey Wakes Up to a Deserted H

12. Zoe Wakes Up in a Slumber Part

11. A Three-Way With the Fergusons

10. Karyn and the Woman Are Lovers

9. A Photo of Karyn and A Woman

8. A Master Bedroom

7. Sarah Bails Jon Out and Karyn

6. Released on Bail

5. Jail Cell

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

There Goes the Neighborhood

on 2013-10-17 13:56:37

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"Come on," Sarah said, leading Jon to her car. "Let's get back to the apartment, then we can figure all of this out. Okay?"

He'd expected Sarah to have a nicer car than an old sedan, but didn't comment.

He nodded and got in the car and Sarah set off down the street. After a few blocks, he suddenly noticed something odd about the route. Everything along it looked different somehow. It was subtle in some places, and not so subtle in other places. People, stores...the general feel was different. He tried to pick out the common theme, but was having trouble.

He tried to calm himself. If this was a wish...whatever was going on was reality for everyone but him. He was the one who would seem crazy.

The car stopped in front of a nondescript apartment building. "Come on," Sarah said, slipping out.

The apartment turned out to be a simple neat one bedroom. As soon as they were inside, Sarah began to loosen her clothes. "Let's see if I can jog your memory."

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