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16. Darcy is Already There

15. Jane's Boss Gary Fiennes

14. A Hotel Room

13. Mikey Wakes Up to a Deserted H

12. Zoe Wakes Up in a Slumber Part

11. A Three-Way With the Fergusons

10. Karyn and the Woman Are Lovers

9. A Photo of Karyn and A Woman

8. A Master Bedroom

7. Sarah Bails Jon Out and Karyn

6. Released on Bail

5. Jail Cell

4. Waking Up Elsewhere

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Darcy is Already There

avatar on 2011-03-04 15:32:40

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"Jane," Gary said, sitting down in one of the chairs, looking quite concerned. "Don't you remember? Darcy's already here."

"Already here? What do you mean?" Jane asked, suddenly becoming uneasy. If Darcy was already here ...

The hotel door opened and to Jane's astonishment, Darcy Fiennes walked in. "Hey, honey," she said to Gary, smiling. "You ready?"

"Just about," he answered.

Darcy turned and looked directly at Jane. The only thing Jane could do was brace herself. Hiding from Gary's wife was no longer an option. She had already been spotted.

"Jane ..." Darcy began.

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