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34. His Reward

33. Can't Take It

32. Playing Around

31. A Mixer

30. The Result

29. Jamie Passes

28. Second Trip

27. Lunchtime

26. Confrontation

25. Spanking

24. Dom Jamie

23. Beat Him

22. The Fight

21. Jamie Delivers

20. Tell Him

19. Rejected

18. Try Talking

17. Walk Home

16. They Accept

15. Choose Mike

Morning Sex

avatar on 2021-02-09 17:29:53

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Soon after that, the two of them fell asleep. I watched over them until they stirred awake. Evie was on my left and Jamie was on my right. When Evie slowly woke up and said "Hey." I smiled and said "How did you sleep? You looked like it was a good dream." She brushed her hands against my chest and said "Yeah. A good play session always makes me feel refreshed the next day. You were really good." I nodded and looked at Jamie as he stirred awake. "It was really good." he said. Evie surprised me as she straddled me. "We still have some time if you want to fuck. You wanna do it, right?" Jamie looked interested in the answer as well. I smirked and said "We can get you off. But I think Jamie can take the lead on this one for the reward I promised him." Jamie looked shocked. "You want me to top you?" he said skeptically. I shook my head. "I want you to eat Evie out. Use that special skill you have to get her really in the mood." Understanding flashed in his eyes. "Really!? You want me to take that as my reward?" he said with a large frown. "We'll see after how well you do." I replied.

Evie was still naked. She smirked and spread her legs. "I want to see that new technique of yours." she said. Jamie looked between us and said "Fine, but you better have something else in mind." Jamie got up and crawled on all fours between her legs. He began eating her out. Using his saliva, he was able to get her hot and bothered. I also helped by kissing and massaging her. By the fifteen minute mark, she had orgasmed three times. She almost crushed Jamie with her thighs. I told Jamie to give her a small break. After a minute of allowing her to finish her aftershocks, I rolled her on top of me. She was confused when I said "This is your reward." Jamie looked at us with shock on his face. "Holy shit!" he then stroked his cock to get fully hard. He came closer and said "You better not be fucking with me. I'll never forgive you, you bastard!" I said "She's waiting." Evie looked behind her shoulder at him. Her face was a mess from the flush and the lust clouding her eyes. "Please..." she begged him. Jamie pushed himself inside and stood still to really take in the moment.

I could tell the satisfaction on his face. "Hell yeah!" he cheered. He then grabbed her by the hips and began to thrust in and out. I did my part by sucking on her breasts and massaging them. It only took Jamie three minutes to cum. When he pulled out, I looked at her and asked if she was on the pill. She nodded before pushing him off of her. I let her get up as well. She hopped off the bed and she gathered her clothes. "I'm going to pop in the shower for a bit. After that, you two can get in and we can leave." I nodded. Jamie was still in his own head and only grunted as he stared off into space. When she left, I crawled over to him and rubbed his shoulders. "What are you thinking about?" I asked. He snapped out of it. "Subs in the gang aren't supposed to get women. The Doms just fuck them into submission. The only shot you get to top is the week before the exams. I think some of the Doms on the gang still haven't fucked a woman yet." "I guess that is just another perk of being mine." I said jokingly. He turned to me and grabbed my shoulders. "Thank you, man. I mean it."

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