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9. Ronni transformed from weedy h

8. The two girls wait for Ron to

7. Looking around Harry saw he wa

6. The siren call of the dishes r

5. Hermione sends a pissed-off Ro

4. Kiss my feet elf! (Going all o

3. Hermione tries to show Harry f

2. Harry Potter Universe-intro

1. The Drafting Board

Ronni transformed from weedy house elf to busty witch

on 2018-04-12 04:01:05

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AN: From interactive "Fanfiction Gender Change", chapter originally written by Mr.George

Self-consciously, Ronni peeled away her pillow-case top, exposing her elven bust. Momentarily, there was a look of lust on Dobby's face, the pride in Mistress Hermione freeing an elf briefly beaten into second place.

But she struggled in Busty Berta's borrowed bra. Her agile fingers securing it in place. Even as the Hermione's curse completed, Ronni tugged the pillowcase back into place, an attempt to provide some modesty if not dignity. Already it was becoming too short, as Ronni stretched upwards. The flappy ear shrinking inwards, soon disappearing in a dense forest of thickening hair. Her Weasley nature asserting itself, as a deep copper mane covered her head.

She looked askance at Harry, as if still hoping that she was becoming Ron. But for all the other changes humanising her, none were making her any more masculine. With her simple house elf clothes, the school's magic worked to provide her with something more basic than a school uniform.

The pillowcase... or rather it's tattered edge shifting and becoming denim.

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Her human hands rose to cup and cradle her bust. Filling... overfilling her hands.

"You're freed from the compulsion to serve." Hermione offered, the girl groping herself.

"But, you still have another lesson to learn."

She cast no more magic, but a whimper came from Ronni's lips. A pulse of warmth spreading out from her chest, filling her with dread. It battled with the ice in the pit of her stomach. Knowing what was coming she looked over to Harry for some help, some sympathy. But none came as Ronni's chest swelled even larger. Her nips making deeper impacts in her top.

"Just think of it as a blessing." The words spat with an anger, as she quoted Ron's earlier words back to her.

As if feeling the need to explain, her expression softened, as she turned to Harry. "Those are the .... titties ... she wanted."

Again the 'titties' was clearly Ron's poor choice of words.

"She wanted for me..." Her eyes darting to the restored witch, "Well, now they're my present to her."

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"You're no longer Ginny's big brother, more a bigger sister."

Ron's hands came up, the need to hide her bust as deep as it was useless.

Harry tried not to stare, not to ogle those immense eye-catching breasts. Her own chest far more modest, far more in line with expectations.

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