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14. Jonella Makes Karyn Forget Abo

13. Karyn Gets Rid of Jonella's We

12. Karyn Tries to Get Jon Back to

11. CTS - Oh, SHIT!!!

10. CTS: Will Jon's Mom Still Be J

9. Close to home

8. Jon Finds Out About Gladys and

7. CTS - The disease seems to be.

6. Gladys Brewer

5. Thea Woods

4. Characteristic Transformation

3. A New Disease (4)

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

CTS - Patient Zero Thea and Gladys Mix: Jonella Loses Her Friendship With Karyn

avatar on 2016-12-31 17:01:51

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"I wish ya don't remember no Jon Madison 'n only remember me - Jonella Mack," said the black girl who used to be Jon. The stone glowed, granting her wish.

Karyn blinked a couple of times, as her memories were reworked. She didn't know a boy named Jon Madison. But she did know a girl named Jonella Mack. It was the girl standing in front of her right now.

"What am I doing here?" Karyn asked, her mind clearing.

"What you talkin' about, girl? You mah friend. Ya came here ta ..." Jonella started.

"Friend? I'm not your friend. We don't even have anything in common," Karyn said.

Jonella realized her mistake. Karyn and her must not have been friends in this new reality. And now since Karyn no longer remembered Jon, there was no longer a bond of friendship between them.

How was Jonella going to fix this?

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