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5. ...found a disguise

4. The wand ricochets out the roo

3. Albus Dumbledore trying a poly

2. Harry Potter Universe-intro

1. The Drafting Board

...found a disguise

on 2018-04-12 00:20:21

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AN: From interactive "Fanfiction Gender Change", chapter originally written by Mr.George

With a sigh, Dumbledame stripped out of her over-sized professorial robes. She went over to the cupboard with the impounded items in it. There was bound to be something in there that she could wear.

When she reached the cupboard she had to restrain the shriek of frustration, she didn't even have a wand.

She took a deep breath, and clasped her hands around the lock, "Alohamora!" she muttered. There was a snick, as the lock released. A sense of satisfaction filled her, making her forget the soft tones of her voice.

She found several piles of carefully folded uniforms within, along with a selection of wands. With undue haste, she snatched a wand from the shelf.

With a swish and a flick, she cast a simple spell. The wand shook in her hand, resisting her efforts, but the tip of the wand lit up. It wasn't perfect, but should allow her to do a simple locating spell. She would have tucked it away, but without any clothes that was difficult.

As she rummaged, the choices quickly reduced. Half of the clothes were for boys, and absolutely wouldn't disguise her. Rather they'd draw attention to her. Another couple wouldn't fit, just being too small for her. One was too big, for a final year student.

She gave a surprised little snort as she held one up, it was over a hundred years old, and didn't match the modern uniform at all.

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