AN: From interactive "Harry Potter Transformations", chapter originally written by Scifiwizard
"Wait!" Inspiration in his eyes, Harry said. "Is there not a way to grant a muggle magical powers?"
Hermione nodded. "Yes there is but Ron won't like it." Wincing, she replied.
"Why?" Worried, Ron asked. "If I can get my magic back..."
"It would permanently trap you as a girl, Ron." Simply, Hermione said. "Also there is the chance that it would regress you in age."
"Why would that spell regress a person?" Curious, Harry asked.
Hermione sighed. "So they would get used to having magic before becoming teenagers, of course."
"How far back would I go?" Wincing, Ron asked.
"I'm not completely sure." Shrugging, Hermione said. She then grinned. "If it takes into account ones maturity, you may end up a six year old."
"Very funny." Frowning, Ron retorted. "If there is no other way, I'm willing to be a girl for life."
"The spell is tricky." Serious, Hermione warned. "It requires two magic users, whether they are witch or wizard, to cast the spell and they must recite the spell in perfect unison or it might cause problems."
"What do you mean?" Worried, Harry asked.
"It's the witch maker, remember." Grinning, Hermione said. "If we do not state the spell exactly in unison, you will be included in the spell and become 'Harriet' for life." She then turned to Ron. "On the bright side, Ron, you will have your magic back."
Harry winced then turned to Ron who looked at him pleading. Finally, he said...