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7. She struggles, but gets her th

6. Used the wand on herself.

5. Took the Witch Maker potion.

4. Book of transformation spells

3. Harry and Ron found a special

2. Harry Potter Universe-intro

1. The Drafting Board

She struggles, but gets her thoughts back under control.

on 2018-04-11 21:46:22

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AN: From interactive "Harry Potter Transformations", chapter originally written by Mr.George

Harry watches Ronda pose and play with her hair. It's clear she loves looking the way she does. Harry had to admit that she was a lot more beautiful as a woman, than he had been handsome as a man. In fact, Harry had a bit of a thing for Red-heads, and Ginny insecurity was also another draw for him.

Ronda's fingers shifted in her grip on the wand as she fought with the idea of letting Harry experience this joy and freedom. But she managed to restrain herself. Well, the truth was Harry took a grip of her hand, keeping the tip of the wand away from his own flesh.

"I don't think you should play with this, until we can be sure there's a way to reverse this..."

With his free hand he gestured to Ronda's abundantly female body.

"Can't I tempt you?" she purred in response.

"That's.... That's why I'm worried, can't you feel these mental changes... the way your primping and posing. The straight forward acceptance that you're now wearing a skirt... for God's sake Ron. Ron, just five minutes ago you were male.

She took a deep breath, as she weighed up what Harry was saying. Suddenly she looked in a new light at the wand in her hand. At the wand in her slender fingers. At the slender fingers with their nails painted a glossy apple red.

She let out a startled, shrill, 'Eeek'.

"Is there... Is there a... a... Wizard maker?"

Her voice fluttered, and shook with a sudden uncertainty.

"We could wait.... perhaps it's like poly juice and ... and it'll wear off." She took another deep breath, it drew Harry's eyes to her cleavage whenever she did that, just a quick glance. Purely instinctual.

"Yes. That sounds like a good idea. Besides, if we do find a reversal wand, you might sell it to your brothers for the shop."

Harry let go of Ronda's now trembling hand, and watched as she careful put the pink tipped wand back on the shelf.

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