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4. Book of transformation spells

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Book of transformation spells and verses

on 2018-04-11 21:37:25

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AN: From interactive "Harry Potter Transformations", chapter originally written by Scifiwizard

After carefully brushing off nearly a century of dust, Harry read the cover of the book: "Mischief Magic Spells and Enchantments".

He chuckled. "It looks like something your brothers would love to dabble in." Joking, he said.

Ron smiled, looking at the book over Harry's shoulder. "I wonder why it was hidden away in the wall all this time." Curious, he muttered. He looked at the wand. "This has some strange markings on it. Either crescent moons or... smiles."

Harry grinned upon opening the box. "You think that's strange?" Pointing at the box, he asked. "The box is has three potions that are labeled 'Witch Maker', Pet Experience', and 'Youth Visitation'."

Ron raised a single eyebrow. "Maybe the 'Witch Maker' is to reward a muggle for a gallant deed." Guessing, he said. "What about the book?"

Harry opened the book and shook his head. "These are the oddest spells I have ever seen." Becoming worried, he said. "I think we should show these to Hermione."

"I say we just try one of these and see what happens." Joking, Ron said.

Before Harry could stop him, Ron...

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